Monday, September 6, 2021

When Jessica Gregori met St. Lucia and told Pope John Paul II about the Third Secret of Fatima the whole Church was already in apostasy interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise to make Tradition obsolete

When Jessica Gregori met St. Lucia and told Pope John Paul II about the Third Secret of Fatima the whole Church was already in apostasy interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise to make Tradition obsolete.

Archbishop Carlo Vigano has stated according to Life Site News (Sep 3, 2021) that Our Lady warned of a great apostasy in the Church.

Our Lady spoke to the Gregori family, after their statue of Mary had started to shed tears of blood on February 2, 1995. She made clear that this apparition is linked to her apparitions in Fatima. She stated: “My children, the darkness of Satan is now obscuring the whole world and it is also obscuring the Church of God. Prepare to live what I had revealed to my little daughters of Fatima”…

It is important to know that Jessica Gregori, the daughter of the family who witnessed these apparitions and supernatural events, was given by Our Lady the content of the third secret of Fatima and that this message was then passed on to Pope John Paul II at the time. She herself was able to meet, in 1996, with Sister Lucia of Fatima and to compare with her the messages they received concerning the third secret. They matched. 1

The original interview of Archbishop Vigano was with a Portugese publication and was translated into English for the magazine Vatican Insider.2

Vigano refers often to Vatican Council II in the original interview and draws from a book by Father Flavio Ubodi,the vice-president of the diocesan commission which approved the apparitions at Civitavecchia, Italy, and so the miraculous statue was placed in a church for veneration. Ubodi has recently published a book, in Italian, called Civitavecchia- 25 years with Mary.

But Vigano has not said that the apostasy is already there in the Church from the pope to the parish priest and that he is also part of the problem.

Peter Kwasniewski’s books and articles in general are written , for example, interpreting Vatican Council II and Magisterial documents deceptively with a false premise.In this way he does not have to affirm Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).He is not ‘racist’ or ‘extremist’.So the Left allows him to speak at conferences and write his books with the error.
They are free to write and speak re-intepreting Vatican Council II with the fake premise.It means Kwasniewski and Vigano are rejecting the Athanasius Creed which says all need faith and baptism of salvation. Imaginary cases are politically projected as exceptions to EENS and the Syllabus of Errors too.So these traditionalists are not really interested in proclaiming the truths of the Faith.

Vigano criticizes the great apostasy but he knows that he must interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational premise, since it would be a break with the liberals and ecclesiastics – but also with his traditionalist friends.

With the rational premise, there is no New Theology and when there is no New Theology,there is no New Ecumenism, New Evangelisation, New Ecclesiology etc. There is no new schism and heresy.

I ask myself, how can the authenticity of apparitions like Medugorje be evaluated based upon faithfulness to Church doctrine, when the doctrines have been changed with an irrational premise and the popes are no more following the old Magisterium of the Catholic Church ?

Eric Sammons has written a book titled Deadly Indifference on how the Church has lost its mission and how we can re-claim it.In the book Sammons could not affirm the absolutist interpretation of outside the Church there is no salvation. The false premise was used by him to create what he called the Salvation Spectrum. He was denying the Faith with his irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II and of course did connect his error with the title of the book.He was going along with the New Theology of the liberals that creates the Salvation Spectrum and religious indifferentism...So they appointed him Editor in Chief of Crisis Magazine.

We see the apostasy when John Salza refuses to interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise and so have to theologically affirm the absolutist interpretation of EENS.This would not help his career as a lawyer.So in an article on the blog 1Peter5 he calls on Catholics to not join sedevacantist communities.Instead he wants them to stay with his apostasy in the Church. Some choice.

When Pope Benedict and Cardinal Bertone closed the Fatima apparitions,they did not tell the world that all the books on Vatican Council II, were written with a fake premise to produce a fake rupture with Tradition, which would contribute to the existing apostasy which Our Lady predicted at Fatima.

Their interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS was political and not honest.Their interpretation of the Third Secret could also be political and not honest.


Pope Benedict kept the Third Secret of Fatima-apostasy- hidden since he was part of the apostasy with his irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.It is political and not Magisterial.

If the Third Secret of Fatima was about apostasy in the Church how could he say it .Since he was actively interpreting the Creeds, Catechisms, EENS, Vatican Council II and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 with the false premise.He had approved the non traditional and schismatic premise, inference and conclusion of Church documents.

Recently Bishop Athanasius Schneider told Dr. Taylor Marshall in an interview, that there are no literal cases of the baptism of desire. This would be explosive for Pope Benedict. Since Schneider is saying that we do not need the New Theology. LG 14( baptism of desire) is not an example of an objective exception to EENS.There could be an EENS with no known exceptions. The Council in LG 14 etc does not contradict the understanding of EENS, according to the missionaries of the 16th century.

So he was also telling Cardinal Marx that he and Taylor Marshall, do not interpret the Council like Marx and the German Bishops and Pope Benedict.There is no theological basis today for the German Synodal Path, when the New Theology is put aside.

With that statement Bishop Schneider is putting on hold the two popes interpretation of the Council and the spread of apostasy.- Lionel Andrades



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