Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Michael Nazir Ali and the rejection of Aristotle's philosophy in the Catholic Church

In an interview with the Friday Magazine  of the daily Dawn,Karachi, Pakistan, Michael Nazire Ali the former Anglican Bishop of Rochester,  spoke about how the Greeks gave  philosophy and science, to Western Christian civilization and this influenced even Muslim philosophers.

He was speaking as an Anglican in a general context. We know that the Aristotle-Platonic  knowledge was adopted by the Catholic Church.Augustine and Aquinas drew upon it.

But since the 1940’s Aristotles Logic was discarded in the Catholic Church with the official acceptance of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston which was referenced in Vatican Council II (1965) and placed in the Denzinger.The 1949 Letter of the Holy Office violated Aristotle’s Principle of Non Contradiction with the use of a Fake Premise.So the old theology was discarded and new doctrines on salvation, mission, ecumenism etc were created.

The New Theology based upon an objective error, an empirical error, an error in philosophy,  is also there at the Latin Mass today, which the former Anglican bishop referred to, according to a report on the blog of Fr. John Zuhlsdorf.

The use of the Rational Premise, to return to the old theology, would not be accepted by the Ordinariate or even pro-Masonic cardinals and bishops.They will not want the Church to go back to the old theology and could tolerate a break with Aristotles philosophy.

And yet Michael Nazil Ali as a Catholic cannot interpret Church Documents with the False Premise and accept the liberal New Theology. It would be unethical.

Fr.Vaughn Treco was expelled by the Anglican Ordinariate. He would not continue to interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise and accept the non traditional conclusion. He was going back to the old theology and Catholic Tradition.

From Oct 30, Michael Nazir Ali will have to offer the Novus Ordo Mass in English, like Bishop Stephen Brady who excommunicated Fr. Vaughn Brady.Brady was interpreting Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, not with the Rational Premise and traditional conclusion.

With the Rational Premise Dr. Nazir Ali could affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King in all political legislation (Quas Premas). Since the ecclesiology of Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents would return to traditional ecclesiocentrism.There would be no 'visible exceptions' for EENS mentioned in the text of the Council.Invisible cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 would simply be invisible.

Now with the common False Premise, Traditional Mission is obsolete.An Ecumenism of Return to the Catholic Church is also theologically rejected since Vatican Council II is interpreted irrationally.There cannot be a Proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King expressed in a Catholic State with Catholic legislation with alleged known salvation outside the Catholic Church.The norm now is that invisible cases are projected as visible examples of non Catholics saved without faith and the baptism of water in 1965-2021.

With so-called personally known non Catholics being saved outside the Church we have an accepted false premise and inference.So it is asked by liberals and Pope Benedict, why have have traditional mission or even proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King ? It is as if they could meet and see these non Catholics saved without the norm for salvation, Catholic faith and the baptism of water (Ad Gentes 7). The popes need the invisible-visible confusion to break with Tradition.

It is hoped that the Lambeth Doctor of Divinity, 

will correct the rupture with Aristotle and Aquinas  rational philosophical concepts. -Lionel Andrades

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