Sunday, October 31, 2021

Politically correct reports on Rorate Caeili

The weblog Rorate Caeili has posted so many articles/reports on Vatican Council II, all interpreted with the Fake Premise, the most recent ones are those written by Don Pietro Leone.He uses a False Premise to interpret the Council II and then blames the Council. He is a supporter of the liberals. He does not know about the Rational Premise and is interpreting Vatican Council II like the liberals and pro-liberal traditionalist bishops all over the world.

Similarly a report by Fr. Serafino Lanzetta on Rorate Caeili mentions the faith. He is referring to the same faith as the English liberal bishops.He has written an article on faith but what is the faith he is proclaiming ? Fr. Serafino Lanzetta, and his religious community in England, are maintaining- a- politically- correct- with- the- Left artificial break with Tradition.With the False Premise he maintains a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and this would be appreciated by the English bishops.So with the False Premise he has to choose between Vatican Council II and the Syllabus of Errors.

With the Rational Premise I do not have to choose between Vatican Council II and the Syllabus of Errors.The Council ( LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc) does not contradict the Syllabus.

To re-interpert Magisterial Documents with a False Premise is heresy.It is first class heresy when the Athanasius Creed is rejected and the Nicene Creed re-interpreted. So even at Mass in Latin these are mortal sins of faith.

This was not mentioned by Roberto dei Mattei in his article on heresy posted on Rorate Caeili.

Mattei is following the mainstream Catholic Church's heresy on Vatican Council II. Like Fr. Serafino Lanzetta he does not affirm the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no exceptions.It is the same with the editor at Rorate Caeili ( 'New Catholic' or 'F.R' ).

Peter Kwasniewski gave a talk at Denver which was hollow.

Since from the beginning to the end he was politically correct with the use of Fake Premise, inference and non traditional conclusion.

This is the Catholic Church for him.

Kwasniewski once told a seminarian that Catholic Tradition ended on the eve of Vatican Council II.

 If Kwasniewski interprets Magisterial documents with the Rational Premise then Catholic Tradition will no more end with Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

-Lionel Andrades

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