Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Will the ordination of Michael Nazir Ali on October 30 be valid ?


Will the ordination of Michael Nazir Ali on October 30 be valid ? Just thinking.

Cardinal Vincent Nicols rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and the Athanasius Creed by interpreting Vatican Council II with the False Premise and not the Rational Premise.Also it is hoped that MNA is not divorced and remarried.

He of course he will be rejecting the same Church documents as the cardinal and so will be accepted by the Masons.

Cardinal Vincent Nicols and Michael Nazir Ali, the former Anglican bishop of Rochester and Lambeth Doctor of Divinity, are interpreting Magisterial Documents  with a Fake Premise  so there interpretation of Scripture , which was traditionally ecclesiocentric, would be non Magisterial.

Then the Church Militant interview did not mention if Valerie Ali was the first or second wife of MNA.

The Left wants MNA as a priest and so Cardinal Vince Nicols who genuflected before a Black Lives Matter procession, is obliging.

A cardinal who changes the interpretation and understanding of the Creeds, Catechisms, EENS and Vatican Council II, with a Fake Premise, creating a fake theology and a doctrinal break with Tradtion, is allowed to offer Holy Mass. Now MNA will do the same.

The precedents are there. In Rome Cardinal Angelo Donatis, Vicar General, had to offer Holy Mass in Italian for a diplomat who was murdered in an African country and who had a second wife there.

Similarly after the massacre in New Zealand, all the priests were told to pray for the non Catholics and the police was sent to the churches.Catholics do not pray for those who die outside the Church.But the priests were ‘following orders’.

The Left did not want a funeral service for Erich Priebike who had reconciled himself with God and would attend Holy Mass in Latin at the SSPX chapel.When the hearse came to the SSPX center in Albano, leftist were physically kicking it.The SSPX was ready to have the funeral Mass since the mainstream Church in Rome was not allowed to do so. At night armed men came and took away the corpse. The son of  Priebike appealed to the Italian Government.

Now the Left wants MNA  to be ordained a priest in England when he does not affirm the Athanasius Creed with no exceptions.He interprets Vatican Council II with a False Premise.

He does not affirm the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX , with no exceptions.

He does not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, with no exceptions.

He does not interpret Vatican Council II with LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3,NA 2, GS 22 etc not being exceptions to EENS, the Syllabus of Errors etc.

He has to use the Fake Premise to create a fake hermeneutic rupture with Catholic Tradition. The liberalism which follows creates doctrinal division in the Church but it is politically correct with the Left.

The  ordination as deacon and and then priest by the pro-Masonic British bishops is irregular. It is also invalid ?-Lionel Andrades

 OCTOBER 26, 2021

If Michael Nazir Ali was not a liberal they could not ordain him nor welcome him in the Catholic Church : a future pope ?

 Michael Nazir Ali has supported the liberal  Catholic-Lutheran Joint Declaration on Justification which is null and void since it was based upon Vatican Council II interpreted with a False Premise.Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger assumed that there was known salvation outside the Catholic Church.This is false.There are no personally known non Catholic saved without faith and the baptism of water since 1965.None in the past nor the present. If Pope Benedict had interpreted Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise then Vatican Council II would be ecclesiocentric  and the Lutherans  would theologically, be outside the Catholic Church, where there is no salvation.

When the Lutherans are outside the Church and so on the way to Hell what difference does it make on what concept of justification that they hold.

There is no known salvation outside the Catholic Church since if any one was saved as such , past or present, it could only be known to God.

Similarly the Synods which MNA refer to also interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise so the development of doctrine is suspect. It is not binding on Catholics.He says the Church cannot change Church teachings but believes there can be a development of doctrine with the Synods. So in the past it was outside the Church there is no salvation and now it is the opposite.

MNA could interpret the Council with the Rational Premise and then it will be the end of liberalism for him. He could be excommunicated like Fr. Vaughn Treco.

There is liberalism and doctrinal division opposed to Tradition in the Catholic Church presently, since all camps are using the Fake Premise to interpret Magisterial Documents. There is a break with the orthodoxy  of the pope and the saints who did not interpret the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance with the Fake Premise i.e invisible cases are really visible.

The Catholic bishops who will ordain MNA a deacon and priest are liberals.They will not affirm the traditional strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus  and the only way possible to deny it theologically is by using the Fake Premise i.e there are physically invisible cases of the baptism of desire in England this year, these are known people who are saved without Catholic faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.

So they have to use the Fake Premise to create a fake break with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus.They will do the same for Vatican Council II,LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc.

Of course if MNA was not a liberal they could not ordain him nor welcome him in the Catholic Church.

Now the Left can make him a cardinal or future pope since he is not using the Rational Premise and remains a liberal i.e someone approved by the Masons.

His interpretation of Scripture is not Catholic but neither is that of Pope Benedict, since both are Christocentric and not also Ecclesiocentric.The liberal German pope approved married men as priests now it is to be seen if even the divorced and remarried can remain priests.

Without the False Premise they all have to return to the old theology and interpret the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors as having no known exceptions.The Catechism of Pope Pius X, 29Q, on invincible ignorance, does not contradict 24Q and 27Q on outside the Church there is no salvation.

With the Rational Premise the Catechism of the Catholic Church 847 and 848 also on invincible ignorance will not contradict CCC 846 which cites Ad Gentes 7.It states all need faith and baptism for salvation. CCC 847 and 848 would also not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed.

The desire thereof, the phrase in the Catechism of the Council of Trent, does not contradict that Catechism when it supports Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441 on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The baptism of desire is always hypothetical.

So presently Pope Benedict and Pope Francis are not apostolic on this issue and neither is MNA.

The rejection of the past Magisteriium on the Creeds, Catechisms etc, with the use of the Fake Premise, results in schism.It is public heresy.Practical exceptions are projected for the traditional interpretation of the Nicene Creed.

The Nicene Creed changes. It says that we believe in three or more known baptisms which exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church and so there are practical exceptions for extra ecclesiam nulla salus etc. This is all approved by Pope Francis and the ADL.

In the past the Magisterium taught outside the Church there is no salvation. Now they say outside the Church there is salvation.This cannot be Magisterial. At one time a mistake was made.The one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Four Marks of the Nicene Creed, cannot teach two different things.

Presently there is no real evangelisation too.Since Jesus is proclaimed without the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church with Catholic faith and the baptism of water, as mentioned in Ad Gentes 7.

Since Pope Benedict rejects the Athanasius Creed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors his interpretation of Scripture is not apostolic. It would be the same for MNA.His Holy Mass would be irregular in as much as that of Cardinal Vince Nicols who will ordain him. Will it be valid ?

Pope Benedict should correct the common error. He cannot go to the next life with all this confusion on Vatican Council II left behind,  which MNA will have to follow. Lionel Andrades

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