Monday, November 29, 2021

Archbishop Arthur Roche refers to the old and new Magisterium with reference to Vatican Council II and the Latin Mass.But now we know that there is a Ratonal and Irrational Premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and Roche is using the Fake Premise to create a ‘new magisterium’.


Archbishop Arthur Roche refers to the old and new Magisterium with reference to Vatican Council II and the Latin Mass.But now we know that there is a Ratonal and Irrational Premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and Roche is using the Fake Premise to create a ‘new magisterium’.So irrepective if the Mass is in English or Latin, the ecclesiology  of the Church is always exclusivist, like in 1580 when the Latin Mass was inititated.So the Missal of Pope John Paul II is not a break with the traditional ecclesiology of the Latin Mass if the Fake Premise is avoided.

The new ecclesiology of Archbishop Roche and the Left is based on the False Premise and so cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit. It is not Magisterial.

This Easter Catholics can attend Holy Mass in Rome in Italian  too and it can have the traditional exclusivist ecclesiology . Since there is no new theology when we do not want to create an artificial hermeneutic of rupture with the past.We simply avoid the premise and we return to the old theology.We can attend Holy Mass in English, Portughese etc with the old theology of the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.-Lionel Andrades

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