Friday, November 12, 2021

Coetus Internationalis Patrum were and are Cushingites.They are politically correct with the liberals.


"Coetus internationalis Patrum. The other side of Vatican II". Streaming november 12, 4pm

The Coetus Internationalis Patrum (International Group of Fathers) was the most important and influential interest group of the "conservative/traditionalist” minority at the Second Vatican Council. There were very relevant protagonists of this study group, as Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Archbishop Antônio de Castro Mayer and behind the scenes Brazilian Catholic thinker Plinio Côrrea de Oliveira. What we have to think today about it?
With host, musician and author Mº Aurelio Porfiri will debate about this topic Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Theologian Robert Fastiggi, Chief editor “of Inside the Vatican” Robert Moynihan, members of “Tradition, Family, Property” association and scholars José Antonio Ureta and Julio Loredo.
The program will be live streamed on numerous social media channels, including the You Tube channel RITORNO A ITACA, the Facebook fanpage of AURELIO PORFIRI and on Aurelio Porfiri’s TWITTER account.
'The Coetus Internationalis Patrum (International Group of Fathers)
 was the most important and influential interest group of the 
"conservative/traditionalist” minority at the Second Vatican Council. '

 The Coetus Internationalis Patrum  were Cushingites.
They  interpreted interpreting Vatican  Council II with the False Premise
 and not the Rational Premise.
The participants at this meeting are politically correct Cushingites. 
Bishop Athanasius Schneider was a Cushingite but when the said that 
there are no literal cases of the baptism of desire, in his interview with
Dr. Taylor Marshall, he was rejecting the New Theology and was 
Feeneyite. .-Lionel Andardes

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