Monday, November 1, 2021

If Bishop Mark Pivarunas avoided the False Premise then Vatican Council II would no more be a break with traditional de fide teachings. They could accept Vatican Council II in harmony with the past Magisterium – and then ask Bishop Libasci to do the same.


The sedevacantist religious community Congregation  of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) have their church in New Hampshire, in the diocese of Manchester where the bishop is Peter Libasci. He has forbidden Catholics from visiting that church according to the diocese website.

The CMRI community, under Bishop Mark Pivarunas, like Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, Prefect of the Congregation for the Docrtrine of the Faith, Vatican, and Bishop Peter Libasci use the same False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS.So when there has to be, the expected break with Tradition, because of the False Premise, the CMRI community chooses sedevacantism since Vatican Council II emerges as a rupture with Tradition.

But if Bishop Mark Pivarunas avoided the False Premise then Vatican Council II would no more be a break with traditional de fide teachings. They could accept Vatican Council II in  harmony with the past Magisterium – and then ask Bishop Libasci to do the same.

Similarly if Cardinal Ladaria and Bishop Libasci choose to interpret Vatican Council II without the False Premise and instead with the Rational Premise, there would no more be a break with Tradition and they could ask Bishop Pivarunas to give up his sedevacantism and be re-united with the mainstream Catholic Church of Pope Francis. There would no more be doctrinal division or theological liberalism.

I have e-mailed Bishop Pivarunas  and Fr. Benedict Hughes many times but they will not answer. May be they do not want to be politically incorrect with the Left, and really go back to Tradition.-Lionel Andrades

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