Sunday, November 7, 2021

Millionaire diocescan priest will not affirm Vatican Council II and EENS with a Rational Premise since then he could 'lose it all '


Aerial view of Fr. Georges de Laire's $1.5 million property in New Hampshire which according to reports in a leftist media he bought with his personal money which he inherited.

Fr.Georges de Laire a millionaire diocesan priest in New Hampshire who uses a  Fake Premise to reject the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, and who owns family property which he will have to protect from leftist laws and so will have to salute the ADL every day, has placed restrictions on a poor Catholic religious community in his diocese from collecting funds.1 They are not ready to interpret Magisterial Documents with the False Premise like him.

The wealthy priest in the Diocese of Manchester, where the Bishop is Peter Libasci, hired expensive Bostonian lawyers.With his Decree of Prohibitions  he nearly made the St. Benedict Center, Richmond, N.H go bankrupt.Now he asked  the secular judge in New Hampshire     for ‘emotional satisfaction’, in the case against Michael Voris according to reports in a leftist media.The well to do priest with a personal bank account, will not affirm the strict interpretation of EENS with a Rational Premise or interpret Vatican Council II rationally, for then, he could ‘lose it all’.Even the Vatican will desert him.

He is supported by a leftist media which is critical of Catholic religious beliefs and he does not issue a correction.Since he is rich man.He has much to lose.

In the interview with the Catholic Herald, U.K he did not tell them that if he interpreted Vatican Council II and EENS with the Rational Premise then the would be affirming the same old theology as Brother Andre Marie MICM and the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in New Hampshire. The very people against whom he issued the Prohibitions.

Instead he told the Catholic Herald  U.K that he did not want to go into the theology of the issue.There was an objective error in the correspondence from the Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.It is posted on the  website of the Diocese of Manchester along with the Decree of Prohibitions.

Since 2019 he has not answered in writing policy questions on theology put to him and has also declined an interview with Michael Voris when he  was in New Hampshire to interview Brother Andre Marie MICM.-Lionel Andrades


Decree of Prohibitions Against the St.Benedict Center

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