Monday, November 29, 2021




If you went for Sunday Mass yesterday, good. It is an obligation on Sunday. It is a mortal sin to miss Holy Mass on Sunday. If you do not go for Holy Mass on Sundays the state of sin is recorded on your soul. When you die the demons will come and call out this sin, during your Particular Judgment, and claim you as their own. The sin also influences you daily activity while you are still on earth.

If it also important for Mondays to proclaim the Faith since all those who do not attend Sunday Mass in a Catholic Church are living in sin –sins of faith or morals, and they will go to the fires of Hell.

1.The Bible tells us to enter through the narrow gate for the road to Hell is wide and most people take it (Matt.7:13).They take this road not only with  mortal sins of morals but with not knowing about the Catholic Church and its traditional teachings on faith and morals.

2. Jesus has said that all need faith and the baptism of water for salvation (John 3:5). The Church and its Sacraments are necessary for salvation, the Eucharist is necessary for salvation (John 6: 58-59 etc).

3. Those who do not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:16).Those who do not believe in Jesus in the only Church He founded will be condemned. Tell this to your friends and relatives. You have a whole week before you. You may even be ready to proclaim the Faith on the streets.

It could be helpful to coordinate with the St. Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA (website and ask them about their street evangelization. This Catholic religious community interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus rationally.

In Rome permission is needed from the authorities before distributing literature. However written messages can be given to someone you know personally.

Set up a St. Benedict’s Center group in your parish or home. Coordinate with the Prior or Prioress at the SBC in New Hampshire. There can be an SBC for those who go for Holy Mass in English or Italian too.

In this religious community in New Hampshire the catechesis for First Communicants, RCIA Adult formation and Religion Classes for school children, is based upon Vatican Council II interpreted rationally. This is missing in the mainstream diocesan schools and catechetical centers.-Lionel Andrades

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