Tuesday, November 2, 2021

We can re-interpret the Council with Feeneyism ( invisible cases are invisible in 2021) and not Cushingism ( invisible cases are visible in 20021) and this will be a move towards a Renewal or Restoration in the Catholic Church


On the Feast of Christ the King - 'The Council and the Eclipse of God' - Part XVIII - by Don Pietro Leone – Part 4 of Chapter 4 on Religious Liberty - Christ the King (b): Silence in the Liturgy

c)     The Consequence of the Rupture

Lionel: The rupture with the traditional teachings on the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King, outside the Church there being no salvation and the non separation of Church and State 1) was possible when the popes accepted that unknown cases of the baptism of desire etc were known examples of salvation outside the Church in the present times (1949 , 1965 etc). 2) So they concluded that there were objective exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed. 3 )Since there was alleged known salvation outside the Church the past ecclesiocentrism was made obsolete. 

So the concept of Religious Liberty could also be changed by them,  since it was accepted that not every one needed to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation ( Letter of the Holy Office 1949).

The old theology which justified proclaiming Christ as King in all politics was made obsolete and there was a New Theology in the Catholic Church. This New Theology was not  opposed by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Michael Davies.It was the only theology with which they interpreted Vatican Council II. The New Theology put an end to the proclamation of the Catholic Church being the only and unique means of salvation for all mankind and so all needed to be Catholic to avoid Hell. 



The declaration of the right of all men to Religious Liberty, as we have seen above, amounts to a declaration of the separation of Church and State. This entails the repudiation, on the part of the Council, of the Church’s bounden duty to promote the salvation of all mankind by means of the State: namely (in a positive sense) by commanding the State to worship God in its own person and to assist its citizens to do likewise, and (in a negative sense) by commanding it to suppress error, both doctrinal and moral.


There follow various examples of the application of the Declaration to once Catholic States: Article 6 of the Spanish Charter of 1967, justifying its repeal of previous civil law by reference to the Declaration, reads: ‘The State guarantees the protection of religious liberty, which shall be guaranteed by an effective juridical provision which will safeguard morals and public order’ [19].


The Concordat with Colombia of 1973 reads: ‘The State guarantees to the Catholic Church and to its members the full enjoyment of their religious rights, without prejudice to the just religious liberty of other confessions and their members, and indeed of every citizen’ [20].


Pope John Paul II, in a visit to Malta in 1989, assured the President that the Church did not seek a privileged status at the expense of the State but that, rather, the Church ‘desires to balance her activity within the areas of competence proper to her with the activities of the State in the realm of its own competence.’ In the decades subsequent to the Council we have seen other Churchmen [21]hastening with euphoric and indecorous precipitation to impose Religious Liberty upon Catholic States.


The results, as we said, have been error, both doctrinal and moral. Michael Davies comments that ‘Malta is now saturated with every variety of sect, and no action is taken by the government to restrict their activities.’[22]

Lionel: The political changes were made since outside the Church there is salvation was the New Theology of the Catholic Church based upon the False Premise.This was also the  interpretation of Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) by Michael Davies and Catholics in general.They accepted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and also interpreted the Catechism of Pope Pius X, 24 Q, 27Q and 29 Q irrationally.

 They all interpreted Vatican Council II with the False Premise and accepted the non traditional new theology on salvation.


 He comments further: ‘the legalization of Liberal principles in a Catholic country, initiated by granting non-Catholic sects the right not to be restrained from acting in according with their beliefs in public, initiates a momentum that cannot be controlled.’ Speaking of Spain in particular, he writes: ‘Spain soon conformed to the pattern of a typical European society to-day with legalized pornography, contraception, divorce… sodomy, and abortion…’ [23]

Lionel: Since outside the Church there is known salvation is the official New Theology of the popes, who interpreted Vatican Council II with the False and not Rational Premise, there was no more a theological justification for a Catholic State.

We can now see the bad fruits of the Satanic state, called 'secular'.


 As an example of the last crime, this time in Italy, we recall how Pope Paul broke down and wept when he learnt that an abortion clinic had been established in Rome, but, as Michael Davies notes [24], such was the outcome of his repudiation of the Church’s duty to suppress error. After all, if you make man God, then you cannot be surprised if to-morrow you find him massacring his own children.


And indeed the rupture with Tradition, that is to say with the Catholic Faith, which was effected by the Declaration, is nowhere more clearly seen than in its substitution of man for God, or, more precisely, for Christ the King, as the formal principle of human society. In this connection, we note that the 1920’s which saw the promulgation of the Encyclical Quas Primas also witnessed the glorious uprising of the Mexican Cristeros against their Masonic government, and their martyrdom under the banner of Christ the King. Viva Cristo Rey! The cry of triumph is silenced forty years later, as the Church, in whose name they fought and died, embraces the very Masonic principles of their murderers, and effaces the name of Christ the King from Her teachings, Her liturgy, and from the hearts of the faithful.

Christ the King: King of every Nation, King of every family, is effaced from Her social teaching, effaced from Her marital teaching. The same 1920’s that saw the Encyclical and the Mexican uprising saw the composition of the Hymn to Christ the King in Germany, which all through the dark years of Nazi oppression was to represent fidelity to the Catholic Faith and values: not only to political, but also to domestic virtues, particularly that of purity: a virtue which was also to claim  its martyrs [25].

Lionel: Now it is known that with the Rational Premise Vatican Council II is not a break with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.The Council is dogmatic and supports Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So again we have the theological basis to proclaim the Christ as King of Society since outside the Church there is no salvation. So what stops  Rorate Caeili and its readers from going back to Tradition, even if it is politically incorrect ? Why was this not done, for example, before the recent elections for the Mayor of Rome ? There was no report on Rorate Caeili, Remnant News etc interpreting Vatican Council II rationally.There is no support for political parties in Italy which affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King. They are not shown how Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational Premise supports them.

Rorate Caeili and Don Pietro Leone remain politically correct with the Left, with their interpretation of Vatican Council II.


 ‘Christ my King, to Thee alone do I pledge my love, pure as a lily, and my fidelity unto death’ [26]: where in the Council and the post-conciliar liturgy, we may ask, do we find virtues promoted such as these? We look for them in vain in the mutilated hymns of the Feast-day and in the Council’s treatment of the family, saturated as it is with eroticism and with the spirit of the World [27].

Lionel: We can re-interpret the Council with Feeneyism ( invisible cases are invisible in 2021) and not Cushingism( invisible cases are visible in 20021) and this will be a move  towards a Renewal or Restoration in the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades


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