Saturday, December 25, 2021

How can the Fraternity of St.Vincent Ferrer follow Archbishop Roche who speaks about ‘ a new Magisterium’ with Vatican Council II interpreted with a Fake Premise ?

The  Superior-General, Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrer also needs to clarify that they will only interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise  and not False Premise, They will not follow Pope France, Cardinal Ladaria and Archbishop Roche when they use the Fake Premise to interpret Vatican Council II and create a false break with Tradition.

How can the Fraternity of St.Vincent Ferrer follow Archbishop Roche who speaks about ‘ a new Magisterium’ with Vatican Council II interpreted with a Fake Premise ?.He produces the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition by confusing what is invisible (LG 8, LG 14, LG 16) as being visible (practical exceptions for EENS which is made obosolete.).-Lionel Andrades

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