Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Springtime for Catholics. We have the possibility of doctrinal and theological unity


Like a switch we can turn the hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition on and return to the Athanasius Creed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus at the Melkite, Ambrosian, Syro Malabar and Byzantine Rite in the Catholic Church. We simply interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and return to the old theology. Even the Novus Ordo Mass and the Latin Mass will have the ecclesiology of the Roman Missal of pre-Pope Paul VI times.

At Dijon, France, for example Holy Mass is offered in different rites and they can all interpret hypothetical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, NA 2, GS 22, UR 3 etc, in Vatican Council II as not being exceptions for Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

So we no longer interpret Vatican Council II like Ratzinger and Fellay and maintain the break with the past like Kasper and Burke. We control the hermeneutic. Our handle for control is the premise.

We have the same Council before us but we look at it differently- and theology changes.

Our ecumenism is now exclusivist and inter-religious dialogue is ecclesiocentric- since there is no other rational choice. This theology of course does not depend upon the Latin or Greek Mass.

At Mass in French the homilist can say outside the Church there is no salvation- according to Vatican Council II. Even at Mass in Latin in a school building, far from the church and approved by the bishop, the congregation will be missionary since the Catholic Church is missionary, with a new interpretation of Vatican Council II which really is the old theology of the Church. Whether it is the diocesan, FSSP or SSPX priest, they all have to eat from the same Vatican Council II dish. This will be hard to swallow for Kasper and Koch.

So what’s new over the last 50 years?!

We now can choose the hermeneutic of 

continuity with Tradition and it does not

depend upon the Latin or Novus Ordo 

Mass or what the pope chooses. It does 

not depend upon Vatican Council II 

(Irrational ) and the mistakes of the 

Council Fathers. 

We change our premise- and we change 

the Church. We finally have doctrinal 

and theological unity.-Lionel Andrades

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