Monday, December 6, 2021

The fact that the Society of St. Pius X priests elected Dr. Davide Pagliarani and not Bishop Bernard Fellay as the Superior General of the SSPX indicates that they wanted to reject the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which interpreted Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise, while they could still go back to Tradition with the theology of the 16th century and the Roman Missal of 1580

 The fact that the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) priests elected Dr. Davide Pagliarani and not Bishop Bernard Fellay as the Superior General of the SSPX indicates that they wanted to reject the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which interpreted Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise, while they could still go back to Tradition with the theology of the 16th century and the Roman Missal of 1580. Now Cardinal Ladaria has accepted the SSPX as being within the Church which the traditionalists Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Richmond, New Hampshire, USA are not accepted. But Cardinal Ladaria however good his intentions for a rapprochement with the SSPX is, interprets Vatican Council with irrationality, in a break with the theology of the 16th century and missal of 1580. So the SSPX priests are the cardinals are in two different Churches, there can be doctrinal unity only when both groups use the Rational Premise to interpret Magisterial Documents.-Lionel Andrades

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