Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Italian Parish Priest at the Basilica of Sant Andrea della Fratte, Rome, a Marian sanctuary in Italy, must announce that he interprets Vatican Council II with only the Rational Premise and that he reject the False premise


Fr.Giacomo D’Aorta OM, Parish Priest at the Basilica of Sant Andrea della Fratte, Rome must announce that Vatican Council II is to be interpreted with only the Rational Premise. We will then have the Catholic Faith of St. Maximillian Kolbe and Fr. Alphonse Ratisbonne and not Garibaldi and the Partito Democratico.

The Minim Fathers are at the basilica where Alphonse Ratisbonne saw Our Lady .In a flash she showed him the beauty of the Catholic Church and its importance for the salvation of all people. But the Minims have changed the meaning of the Creeds with the False Premise with which they also interpret Vatican Council II. This is a mortal sin of faith. This was not the faith of St. Maximillian Kolbe and Alphonse Ratisbonne.

1. I, Lionel, believe in one known baptism for the forgiveness of sins, it is the baptism of water. I do not believe in three visible baptisms (desire, blood, invincible ignorance) which exclude the baptism of water (and so are practical exceptions for extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed). The Minim Fathers cannot say the same. Our Profession of Faith is different.

2.I believe all need to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation ( Athanasius Creed) and there are no known exceptions in 1965-2021.For the Minim Fathers and Sisters, LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc  in Vatican Council II are exceptions for EENS. So they have rejected the original understanding of the Athanasius and Nicene Creed. This is a common mortal sin of faith.

3. I believe in one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church (Nicene Creed) which says outside the Church there is no salvation. There are no exceptions for me. The Minim Fathers and Sisters would affirm the Four Marks of the Church but with exceptions.

4. For me the First Commandment says I am the Lord your God thou shalt have no other God but me. We worship God in only the Catholic Church. There are no known exceptions of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance etc for me. For the Minims there are exceptions. It would be the same mortal sin of faith for Fr. Giacomo D’Aorta.

5. Now there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is rational and the other is irrational. I choose the rational option. Most Catholics like the Minims of St. Francis of Paula choose the irrational version.

The Italian Parish Priest at the Basilica of Sant Andrea della Fratte, Rome, a Marian sanctuary in Italy, must announce that he interprets Vatican Council II with only the Rational Premise and that he rejects the False Premise. In the past he has always been politically correct with a vague Christocentrism and avoided proclaiming traditional Ecclesiocentrism. How can a Parish Priest, a juridical person, recognized in Canon Law, interpret the Creeds irrationally, and reject their original meaning ? How can he interpret the First Commandment heretically and schismatically ? How can he re-interpret Vatican Council II with a False instead of a Rational Premise creating schism with the past Magisterium of the Catholic Church?-Lionel Andrades

 DECEMBER 14, 2021

S. Francesco Di Paola: una vita piena di prodigi

DECEMBER 13, 2021

When Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally then the Parish Priest at the Basilica of Sant Andrea della Fratte, Rome, Fr.Giacomo Maria D’Orta O.M, would be affirming the same faith as Alphonse Ratisbonne


When Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally then the Parish Priest at the Basilica of Sant Andrea della Fratte, Rome, Fr.Giacomo Maria D’Orta O.M,  would be affirming the same faith as Alphonse Ratisbonne.-Lionel Andrades



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