Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Society of St. Pius X is not affected by Traditionis Custode since they meet the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) condition and interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise


The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) is not affected by Traditionis Custode since they meet the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) condition and interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise only to create a false break with Tradition. They do not use the Rational Premise.

So the Vatican approved the election of the present Superior General Fr. Davide Pagliarani who it seems is prohibited from issuing statements on other religions and salvation or speak of the Social Reign of Christ the King. The conditions are met.

They are now part of the Catholic Church of the 

Left with the support of the Leftist Government 

of Italy and the Vatican.

The SSPX  interprets the Creeds and Catechisms with an irrationality creating  a non traditional conclusion, which is schismatic and then they blame the Novus Ordo Mass for the doctrinal and theological disunity in the Church.

The SSPX which is recognized by the Vatican in an unofficial and vague way  and whose ordinations of priests is approved by Pope Francis, meets the conditions on Vatican Council II set by Traditionis Custode.There is also no public expression of the faith, or criticism, as in the past. Neither is there a comment from them on Fr. Alesander M. Minutella, Parish Priest of Palermo, Italy being laicized  recently, ‘with no mercy’.The SSPX could not comment.Since they are recognized by the Church now and they cannot  accept Fr. Minutella, a conservative priest.-Lionel Andrades

-Lionel Andrades

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