Thursday, December 23, 2021

Why should a priest who is faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church concelebrate Holy Mass with priests who reject Catholic traditional doctrinal beliefs and traditional de fide Church documents, with the use of an Irrational Premise? There is then no unity among believers on doctrine and theology at the Mass of the Chrism


The CDWS offered a number of clarifications regarding individual priests who wish to celebrate the Extraordinary Form of the Mass:

— Priests who refuse to concelebrate the diocesan Chrism Mass in the Ordinary Form should not be given permission to celebrate the Extraordinary Form.

Lionel: Priests should ask the Congregation for Divine Worship to affirm Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational Premise which is in harmony with the past Magisterium. Otherwise with the present False Premise they will be denying de fide teachings of the Catholic Church and they will be promoting mortal sins of faith. This is division.

Why should a priest who is faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church concelebrate Holy Mass with priests who reject Catholic traditional doctrinal beliefs and traditional de fide Church documents, with the use of an Irrational Premise? There is then no unity among believers on doctrine and theology at the Mass of the Chrism.


"It is sad to see how the deepest bond of unity, the sharing in the one bread broken which is his body offered so that all may be one, becomes a cause for division," wrote Archbishop Arthur Roche, prefect of the congregation, in a document published Dec. 18.

In a formal "responsa ad dubia" -- response to questions -- Archbishop Roche said, "It is the duty of the bishops, cum Petro et sub Petro (with and under Peter, the pope), to safeguard communion, which, as the apostle Paul reminds us, is a necessary condition for being able to participate at the eucharistic table."

Writing to the presidents of bishops' conferences, the archbishop said, "As pastors we must not lend ourselves to sterile polemics, capable only of creating division, in which the ritual itself is often exploited by ideological viewpoints." 1

Lionel : There are two interpretations of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance in Vatican Council II and also other Magisterial Documents ( Catechisms of Trent and Pius X, Nicene Creed, Mystici Corporis etc).The error is not restricted to only Vatican Council II.

So Traditionis Custode with the irrational premise supports the irrational interpretation of the Creeds, Catechisms, EENS and Church Declarations ( Joint Declaration on Justification with Lutherans etc), Statements( Balamand) and Apostolic Letters and encyclicals.The irrational premise produces a false break with the past Magisterium. This is division. It also produces heresy and schism. This is division.2

-Lionel Andrades




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