Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The annual Lefebvrist-Cushingite Catholic Identity Conference will be held next week in which they will interpret Magisterial Documents,expecially Vatican Council II, with a false premise to change the understanding of the Creeds and Catechisms and the faith in general-blame the Novus Ordo Mass and call all this our Catholic identity

The annual Lefebvrist-Cushingite Catholic Identity Conference  will be held next week in which they will interpret Magisterial Documents,expecially Vatican Council II, with a false premise to change the understanding of the Creeds and Catechisms and the faith in general-blame the Novus Ordo Mass and call all this our Catholic identity.With the False Premise the Kingship of Christ and Traditional Mission is negated.

The politically correct traditionalists will not interpret Magisterial Documents with the rational premise and so not get permission to hold their annual conference next year. The Jewish Left will object.

But they do not have a Catholic identity as long as they use the false premise and avoid the rational option.There is a rupture with the missionaries of the 16th century.

Their rupture comes with the False Premise which creates the New Theology. This is a Specific Error in Vatican Council II but the Lefebvrists  are unaware of it. They blame the Council vaguely and not their personal error.

The Lefebvrists, like the liberals, do not deny that they use the False Premise, they simply continue with it.Archbishop Lefebvre used the False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II. He rejected Vatican Council II which he interpreted with the New Theology.

Instead the Lefebvrists and liberals, need to switch to the rational premise to have a Catholic identity like that of the missionaries in the Middle Ages.They were Feeneyites.


The Nouvelle Theologie  that the Lefebvrists refer to is really the New Theology created with the False Premise, whch they use in ignorance,to interpret Vatican Council II.Thomas Pink once referred to the New Theology and admitted that he did not  know how it was caused. While Roberto dei Mattei and Joseph Shaw, a few years back at a conference in Rome,spoke on the New Theology, not knowing that they use it to interpret Vatican Council II.This is still unknown to them.

Timothy Flanders the new editor at the blog 1Peter5  in his recent podcast briefly refers to the Nouvelle Theologie but he uses the New Theology to interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms, like the Lefebvrists and the liberals. If he would avoid the Fake Premise, he returns to Catholic Tradition, but no more like a Lefebvrist, but a Feeneyite.


 He must know that the precise Nouvelle Theologie of Vatican Council II,was not created or identified by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange.It was created by the Council Fathers(1965) from the Fake Premise of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO).That Letter rejected the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and postulated unknown cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance as being known and objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.

The same in its own degree must be asserted of the Church, in as far as she is the general help to salvation. Therefore, that one may obtain eternal salvation, it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member, but it is necessary that at least he be united to her by desire and longing.-Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston

 So EENS was made obsolete.The New Theology said outside the Church there is salvation, there is known salvation.This is heresy based upon a fake premise. It is schism with the past Magisterium based upon an irrationality.It changed our concept of Church.


On Church Militant TV, Joe Sixpack still presents the Four Marks of the Church ( one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic-Nicene Creed) without mentioning the New Theology created with the False Premise, a Specific Error of the Council Fathers at Vatican Council II.

Even Cardinal Walter Kasper  could say that he affirms the Four Marks of the Church but- with the False Premise,rejects traditional ecclesiocentrism.We Catholics can choose today from a  non ecclesiocentric  and ecclesiocentric Church- with or without the error.Why ?

Since the popes from Paul VI  have interpreted Vatican Council II with the False Premise and chose non ecclesiocentrism and the popes from Pius XII  have interpreted EENS, the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance with the false premise, and made the same political left choice.


I too affirm the Four Marks of the Church, but my ecclesiology,is different from Joe Sixpack and Cardinal Kasper.So I was the only one who wrote about how Pope Francis in Traditionis Custode did not interpret Vatican Council II  with the rational premise.His interpretation of Vatican Council II is not our Catholic identity.The Lefebvrists-sedevacantists,Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen( Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae) whose Superior General is Bishop Mark Pivarunas in Nebraska, USA did not check Pope Francis on this point.How could they ?


If Bishop Pivarunas did make that necessary announcement he would be telling his sedevantist community that Vatican Council II and EENS could be interpreted with a rational premise and the CMRI had made a mistake all these years.There is no more a theological basis for sedevacantism based upon Vatican Council II.Since with the rational premise the Council is dogmatic, traditional, ecclesiocentric and non schismatic.There is no rupture with St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, Domingo de Soto,Melchior Cano and Roberto Bellarmine. 

But this is difficult for bishops Pivarunas, Sanborn and others.It is the same for the organizers of the Catholic Identity Conference..-Lionel Andrades

AUGUST 17, 2021

The Confession of Faith of Timothy S. Flanders ' blog Meaning of Catholic is unclear : Flanders is the new editor in chief of the liberal -trad web blog 1Peter 5

This is not the Catholic faith. There is no denial from Sister Helen Burns op and Sr. Catherine Droste op at the Aneglicum University, Rome. They will not even talk about it since they know they are guilty and have to follow through with the error, to remain at their teaching post


The books on Vatican Council II reviewed and studied a t the ponticfical universities in Rome for the 2021-2022 academic year are all written with a fake premise. The faculty and students interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA2, GS 22 etc as referring to physically visible and not invisible cases in 1965-2021. So they are projected as practical exceptions  to the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church, when they are not really exceptions.This is a political interpretation of Vatican Council II.It is unethical and students are given scholarships and grants from different organisations and governments, when they use the fake premise.

The universities have courses and semesters on ethics but do not see their interpretation of Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents as being unethical.

At Dominican Angelicum University in Rome, the priests interpret the Creeds and Catechisms  with a false premise and then offer Holy Mass at the university chapel, in English or Italian.

They even re-interpret St. Thomas Aquinas with the error of observation, the confusion between what is invisible and visible.

The Dominican saint mentioned the man in invincible ignorance in the forest  who was to be saved and to whom God would send a preacher who would teach him the faith and baptise him with water.

But for the Dominicans at Oxford University, U.K and the Angelicum, Rome, thre are known people saved in invincible ignorance, to whom God has not sent a preacher. They are saved in their religion.They are all saved without the baptism of water and instead with the ‘seeds of the Word’(AG 11), ‘elements of sanctification and truth’(LG 8) in other religions etc.

These are objective cases for the faculty at the Angelicum and so they become objective exceptions  to the exclusive interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Dominicans over the centuries.The faculty teach that this error is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Fr. Francesco Giordano offers a semester based up this error at the Angelicum.

While at the Urbania University this error is taught by Sandra Mazzolini. She also only approves students for the Doctoral program who reject the exclusivist interpretation of EENS which was the motivation for mission over the centuries.

They are adapting St.Thomas Aqunas and the strict interpretation of EENS to the political demands of the present times.

 This is not the Catholic faith.

 There is no denial from Sister Helen Burns op and Sr. Catherine Droste op. They will not even talk about it since they know they are guilty and have to follow through with the error, to remain at their teaching post.-Lionel Andrades