Saturday, January 1, 2022

I am a child of God


I am a Catholic and I am a child of God. Catholics are the new chosen people of God. I am a child of God in faith and in the baptism of water. The Bible tells me,not everyone is a child of God. There are those who will be lost forever since they will die in sin with Satan and will lose their inheritance of Heaven, which Jesus won for them with his Death and Resurrection. He made them children of God, heirs of Heaven, a new chosen people, but through sin, which is choosing Satan, they choose to lose their divine inheritance, God had prepared for them.

Not everyone is a child of God. Jesus told some people that their father was the devil. They are children of the evil one.

There are only Catholics in Heaven, in general. If a non Catholic on earth goes to Heaven, he is there as a Catholic. This is how God the Father chose it. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had to wait for the coming of the Jewish Messiah on earth. They had to wait in Limbo as he lived his life on earth and then chose to die to save all of them from Limbo. He also saved his many children who would lose their inheritance through sin and become children of eternal death.

I am a child of God born of flesh and blood but redeemed and sanctified with the baptism of water, which makes me capable of saying Abba, Father and choosing Paradise which Adam and Eve lost through sin.-Lionel Andrades

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