Sunday, January 16, 2022

It is now some 19 years and the priests at the seminaries and university where I studied in Rome continue to teach heresy, schism and mortal sins of faith created with the False Premise in the interpretation of Magisterial Documents, especially Vatican Council II


When I was studying philosophy at the Legion of Christ seminary and university in Rome some 19 years back the Legion of Christ priests were abjuring the Catholic Faith for political reasons. They still are doing the same. There is no denial.

When I was a seminarian at the Beda Pontifical College, Rome, for late vocations, the English priests were denying the faith for political reasons. They still are doing the same there. They cannot deny what I write here. They actually agree with me. They continue to teach heresy, schism and mortal sins of faith created with the False Premise in the interpretation of Magisterial Documents, especially Vatican Council II. -Lionel Andrades

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