Thursday, February 3, 2022

Dr.Peter Kwasniewski interprets Vatican Council II like the liberals. He chooses to use the False Premise like Archbishop Arthur Roche.


Dr.Peter Kwasniewski interprets Vatican Council II like the liberals. He chooses to use the False Premise like Archbishop Arthur Roche.

Instead he should be saying that only those who accept and interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise are really qualified, to attend/offer Holy Mass in Latin or the vernacular.

Kwasniewski and Roche’s irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II is unethical. They both support a liberalism based upon a False Premise and so are politically correct with the Jewish Left (ADL etc).

How can they both speak about the Latin Mass without qualifying if they refer to Vatican Council II rational or irrational?

Why must Catholics support the liberalism of those who interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational and not rational premise?

Why must one go for Holy Mass, in any liturgy or any rite, and accept a non-traditional conclusion in the interpretation of Vatican Council II?

So Kwasniewski and Dr. Joseph Shaw believe that they have a right to the Latin Mass since they are liberals like Archbishop Arthur Roche and interpret Magisterial Documents also with the same False Premise?

They have forgotten the laity at Dijon, France, who have to attend the ‘old Mass’ with ‘the new theology’ and the ‘new ecclesiology’, of the diocesan priests and Bishop Roland Minnerath.

No one is asking Bishop Minnerath to offer Holy Mass in French, as he does, while only interpret ting Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise.-Lionel Andrades

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