Thursday, February 17, 2022

President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Draghi use the False Premise and so practically it is not possible to have Catholic laws based upon traditional Catholic teaching


President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Draghi are interpreting Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise and so have produced a new interpretation of the Council, one of two interpretations. So there is no obligation to have Catholic laws, since practically it is not possible. Since the fake premise contradicts Catholic Tradition and there being exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.

 There is a fake rupture with Tradition (Syllabus of Errors etc) which has been approved by the present two popes. So they can affirm the political interpretation of Vatican Council II as if it is genuine.Practically they have done away with traditional faith and morals. The False Premise creates the heresy and also the schism with the past Magisterium, irrespective of who uses it, conservative or liberal.-Lionel Andrades

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