Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Catholic Church in Spain interprets Vatican Council II with a False and not Rational Premise for political reasons


The Catholic Church in Spain interprets Vatican Council II with a False and not Rational Premise for political reasons.

Traditionis Custode is being implemented based upon the Irrational and not Rational Premise and so the conclusion is nontraditional and a schismatic break with the past Magisterium.

With the Rational Premise the Catholic Church in Spain today would have the same exclusivist theology and ecclesiology as at the time of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain.

Religious communities in Spain today need to renew their vows and take the Oath of Office  affirming Magisterial Documents, including Vatican Council II, interpreted with a Rational and not Irrational Premise. They would then be affirming Catholic Tradition at the Novus Ordo Mass and other liturgies and rites.

Catholic Religious Superiors in Spain must take their Oath of Office in public while agreeing to interpret Vatican Council II rationally. This is the honest thing to do before God.

With Vatican Council II (Rational) sections of the Church in Spain can once again affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics, without rejecting Vatican Council II (Rational). -Lionel Andrades

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