Friday, February 4, 2022

The relevant Italian Ministries must clarify that the President and Prime Minister do not interpret Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents with a Fake Premise, to create a false and ideological break with Catholic Tradition.


The President and Prime Minister of Italy’s Oath of Office supports false pretensions and is dishonest. President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Mario Dragi are posing as Catholics when they are not .This is an ethical issue. They use a False Premise to reject Catholic teachings. If they used the Rational Premise to interpret Magisterial Documents, they would have to affirm the past ecclesiocenterism of the Catholic Church. This would become a political and ideological issue and the lobby which supports them today would disown them. The Left would demand that they resign. Since they both would then be affirming the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church and would really be Catholics.

It is important to note that political leaders have been dismissed because of moral or criminal reasons. They were seen as dishonest or unethical.

The center right politician in France who was ahead of Macron in the polls before the elections, had to step aside when the administration found a fault in him. It is as unethical for Mattarella and Draghi to remain in office as alleged Catholics when they employ the False Premise, in public. The re-interpret Catholic de fide teachings and change their original meaning and are eligible to remain in office with this deception. This is not Catholic and neither is this honest. This is deception for political and anti-Catholic ideological reasons.

Also irrespective if Sergio Mattarella is a Catholic or not, he cannot use a False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II and reject the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church and pretend that this is the norm for a President of Italy. This is a public scandal.

So many center right politicians in Italy have been disqualified by the Italian judiciary from holding political office, including Mayors of Rome. They did not support the Masonic and Satanic ideology. Now why does the judiciary allow President Mattarella and Prime Minister, educated at Catholic institutions, to re-interpret Church Documents with a False Premise, change their meaning for ideological reasons and then take an Oath of Office as President and Prime Minister respectively ?

The relevant Italian Ministries must clarify that the President and Prime Minister do not interpret Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents with a Fake Premise, to create a false and ideological break with Catholic Tradition.

-Lionel Andrades

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