Monday, March 7, 2022

Is this what the protestors still want ?


A regular demonstration outside the Nuncio’s office in Paris, demanding the Latin Mass, is being held by those who interpret Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise, just like the  Nuncio and the SSPX.

It is the Fake Premise which creates the break with Tradition ( Syllabus of Errors, Athanasius Creed etc) for conservatives and liberals. 

The Fake Premise is approved by the Left and the Vatican. It makes everyone politically correct and the interpretation of the Council is not Catholic but political.

So there is the liberal New Theology at the Latin Mass and with the False Premise there is a New Ecclesiology at the Latin Mass.

 With their being alleged exceptions outside the Church, which are visible and known, there is the New Ecumenism and New Soteriology( concept of salvation). The old theology is replaced with the new one which supports heresy and schism.

Is this what the protestors still want ? -Lionel Andrades

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