Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Policeman becomes a priest and hermit thanks to Eucharistic adoration


Policeman becomes a priest and hermit thanks to Eucharistic adoration

Don Ernesto: da poliziotto a sacerdote - Tv2000it

Tv2000it | Youtube

Silvia Lucchetti - published on 03/08/22

"I was an inflexible policeman, then Mercy arrived ..."

Fr. Ernesto Piraino is a former policeman from Calabria, Italy; now he’s a priest and hermit in the town of Belvedere Marittimo, near the point of the “boot” of the Italian peninsula. His hermitage is a small house with a vegetable garden at an altitude of 2,300 feet, an isolated dwelling in the woods of Pollino from which you can see the clear sea that washes the Tyrrhenian coast.

Last October, an interview with him was published in the Italian-language Catholic periodical, which helps us understand the existential journey traveled by this man.


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