Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Lefebvrists are not interpreting Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise to maintain their tax exemption status as a religious organization and the financial benefits the Leftist governments give them.


The Lefebvrists are not interpreting Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise to maintain their tax exemption status as a religious organization and the financial benefits the Leftist governments give them. These are the privileges their organizations and churches have if they do not affirm the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So they officially support the doctrinal changes which come when the Council is interpreted with a False Premise.

With the Rational Premise they would be affirming the past excluvist ecclesiology and this would not be poltiically acceptable. -Lionel Andrades

 MARCH 8, 2022

They are all interpreting Vatican Council II like the liberals and they call themselves traditionalists only because they attend/offer Mass in Latin


All the Superior Generals of the Ecclesia Dei communities in their statement at Cortelain  France, have accepted Vatican Council II which they will interpret with a Fake but politically correct premise to produce a politically acceptable break with Tradition. The Superior Generals included that of the FSSP.They are all interpreting Vatican Council II like the liberals and they call themselves traditionalists only because they attend/offer Mass in Latin.Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 18, 2022

Msgr. Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest offers the Latin Mass while supporting mortal sins of faith


                                                                                                                                                                                    -Lionel Andrades

Msgr. Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest offers the Latin Mass while supporting mortal sins of faith.There is no denial from him since the False Premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II contradicts the Athanasius Creed, and changes the interpretation of the Nicene Creed. The Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX on an ecumenism of return to the Catholic Church is rejected with alleged exceptions caused by the False Premise.But with the False Premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II he is politically correct with the Left.

It is the same for the priests who offer the Novus Ordo Holy Mass.-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 18, 2022

All the Superior Generals of the Ecclesia Dei are supporting mortal sins of faith


-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 17, 2022

Msgr. Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, signed the communiqué of the Ecclesia Dei last September approving Vatican Council II interpreted with the Fake Premise and not the Rational Premise


Msgr. Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, signed the communiqué of the Ecclesia Dei last September approving Vatican Council II interpreted with the Fake Premise and not the Rational Premise. If he used the Rational Premise to interpret Vatican Council II, the Left will accuse him of being a Feeneyite.

With Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise all the Superior Generals of the Ecclesia Dei communities, who signed the communique,  support mortal sins of faith, schism with the past Magisterium.They suppport first class heresy when they change the meaning of the Creeds with the False Premise.They also wrongly project Vatican Council II as contradicting the Athanasius Creed etc with alleged exceptions, which they create with the False Premise.-Lionel Andrades


JANUARY 16, 2022

Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrier, France signed the Communique of the Ecclesia Dei communities at Cortalain, France last September, in which he approved Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise. It creates the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.It is an abjuration of the Catholic faith. It supports schism with the past Magisterium, first class heresy on the Creeds and the rejection of de fide teachings of the Church which it is obligatory to believe in

 We reaffirm our adherence to the magisterium (including that of Vatican II and what follows), according to the Catholic doctrine of the assent due to it (cf. in particular LUMEN GENTIUM, §25, and Catechism of the Catholic Church, §891 and §892), as evidenced by the numerous studies and doctoral theses carried out by several of us over the past 33 years.   -  Joint Statement by Superiors General of “Ecclesia Dei” Communities,Courtelain, France,

Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrier, France signed the Communique of the Ecclesia Dei communities at Cortalain, France last September, in which he approved Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise. It creates the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.It is an abjuration of the Catholic faith. It supports schism with the past Magisterium, first class heresy on the Creeds and the rejection of de fide teachings of the Church which it is obligatory to believe in, example, the Creeds, without their meaning being changed with a False Premise, inference and non traditional conclusion.

Since Father Louis-Marie de Blignières is politically correct with the Left he is allowed politically to function in France. 

Similarly in the USA the sedevacantist bishops are allowed to have their seminaries, churches and educational facilities since they use the False Premise but the conclusion, though politically correct, is a sin for Catholics. -Lionel Andrades


JANUARY 9, 2022

Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrier, France has not issued a statement on Vatican Council II interpreted with the Fake Premise and the Rational Premise


Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrier, France will continue to offer the Latin Mass as before Traditionis Custode. However he has not issued a statement on Vatican Council II, which is the real issue. Will he interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise as Pope Francis wants or will he interpret the Council with the Rational Premise and so with the hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition ?

He could also assist the Latin laity at Dijon, France and ask Bishop Roland Minnerath and the diocesan priests there, who offer the Novus Ordo and Latin Mass, to also interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and return to the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Patristic period and the Middle Ages.

At First Holy Communion preparation classes in France, Vatican Council II should not be interpreted according to Bishop Roland Minnerath but with Vatican Council II (rational) which has a hermeneutic of continuity with the Magisterium over the centuries in France.

He could appeal to Pope Francis to re-interpret Vatican Council II rationally and come back to the Faith. A major flaw in Traditionis Custode is that it interprets Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise and considers this the work of the Holy Spirit.

In Rome, if Cardinal Angelo Donatis, Vicar General, did not use the False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II, then during his Holy Mass in Italian for the Easter Triduum, this year, there would be nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the Athanasius Creed, the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus with hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire( LG 14) and invincible ignorance(LG 16) not being practical and objective exceptions. Cardinal Donatis, who has prohibited the Latin Mass for the Easter Triduum, would be conservative in his theology. There would be a hermeneutic of continuity with St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Francis Xavier when they offered the Traditional Latin Mass and held the traditional exclusivist concept of salvation.

The Italian cardinal would be affirming an exclusivist ecclesiology at Holy Mass in Italian and there would no more be a pre and post Vatican Council II ecclesiology. So the theology at Mass in Italian, Latin, Greek or Syro Malabar would be the same. It would be traditional.It would be Feeneyite and not Cushingite.

So there no more would be a reason for Pope Francis and the Left to target only the Latin Mass in the name of Vatican Council II interpreted with the Fake Theology; the Fake Premise.

How can diocesan priests be allowed to use a Fake Premise to interpret Vatican Council II at the Novus Ordo Mass in France, Italy etc ?. Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrier must ask the French Bishops Conference.-Lionel Andrades

MARCH 6, 2022

Fr. Davide Pagliarani, the Superior General, says that the SSPX is only following Tradition


The SSPX has produced a YouTube video in which Fr. Davide Pagliarani, the Superior General, says that the SSPX is only following Tradition. How can you follow Tradition by interpreting Magisterial Documents including Vatican Council II, with a False Premise and not the Rational Premise? The result has to be non-traditional.

NOVEMBER 27, 2020

Fr.Davide Pagliarani, the present Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) when he was the Rector of the SSPX seminary in Argentina, was interpretating Vatican Council II, with a false premise,just like Cardinal Bergorglio. They were both liberals and not Feeneyites.So there was no tension between them. They were interpreting the Council and EENS like the liberals At that time in the USA Bishop Donald Sanborn and Bishop Mark Pivarunas were also interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise, otherwise they would be Feeneyites. Now if they all interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise they would be Feeneyites and would be opposed by the Left. So they keep quiet

 Fr.Davide Pagliarani, the present Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) when he was the Rector of the SSPX seminary in Argentina, was interpretating Vatican Council II, with a false premise,just like Cardinal Bergorglio. They were both liberals and not Feeneyites.So there was no tension between them. They were interpreting the Council and EENS like the liberals

At that time in the USA Bishop Donald Sanborn and  Bishop Mark Pivarunas were also interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise, otherwise they would be Feeneyites.

Now if they all interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise they would be Feeneyites and would be opposed by the Left. So they keep quiet. -Lionel Andrades


Tax Filings by Year

The IRS Form 990 is an annual information return that most organizations claiming federal tax-exempt status must file yearly. Read the IRS instructions for 990 forms.

If this organization has filed an amended return, it may not be reflected in the data below. Duplicated download links may be due to resubmissions or amendments to an organization's original return.





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990 (FILED ON MAY 26, 2021)

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Form 990 documents available

Extracted financial data is not available for this tax period, but Form 990 documents are available for download.

Key Employees and OfficersCompensation





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990 (FILED ON AUG. 27, 2020)

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Total Revenue


Total Functional Expenses$641,942
Net income$131,255
Notable sources of revenuePercent of total revenue
Program services$0
Investment income$610.0%
Bond proceeds$0
Rental property income$0
Net fundraising$0
Sales of assets$0
Net inventory sales$0
Other revenue$0
Notable expensesPercent of total expenses
Executive compensation$0
Professional fundraising fees$0
Other salaries and wages$0
Total Assets$652,276
Total Liabilities$13
Net Assets$652,263
Key Employees and OfficersCompensation

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