Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 is the official and public mistake of the CDF


                                                                                                              -Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 24, 2020

Image result for Photo Archbishops Giacomo MorandiImage result for Photo Archbishops Augustine di noiaImage result for Photo Mons Marco Gnarvi

Archbishops Giacomo Morandi and Archbishop Augustine Di Noia , Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Mons Marco Gnarvi, Diocesan Secretary for the Office of Inter religious Dialogue and Ecumenism, Rome Vicariate are in schism with the popes over the centuries . They use an irrational premise, inference and conclusion to create this schism.With this irrationality they have also changed the understanding of the Creeds and Catechism and this is heresy.

FEBRUARY 27, 2020

Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott (1953) (Baronius) and The Catholic Church and Salvation(1958) by Mons. Joseph Clifford Fenton : authors were not aware of the irrational premise, inference and conclusion

JUNE 10, 2020

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) want Catholics to interpret Magisterial documents (Creeds,Catechisms etc) with a false premise and inference

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)  want Catholics to interpret Magisterial documents (Creeds,Catechisms etc)  with a false premise and inference.Liberals and traditionalists are doing just this.In this way there is a rupture with the past ; a schism with  the popes.Confusion on doctrine and an absense of a proclamation which could result in tension and martyrdom.The popes and cardinals live comfortable.There is a new Gospel which is social,polite and compromised.The Left and Satan do not protest.
Even conservative Catholics are on the same train.Going along with it, peacefully.
This is really quiet division with the past Magisterium.It is achieved with the use of a false premise i.e invincible ignorance(I.I),the baptism of desire(BOD) and baptism of blood (BOB) are visible examples of salvation outside the Church.
Unknown cases of BOD, BOB and I.I  and LG 8, LG14, LG 16, UR 3,NA 2 etc in Vatican Council II,are known exceptions to 16th century EENS.
Since there is known salvation outside the Catholic Church for the popes and tge CDF,there could be a new type of ecumenism, in which non Catholic Christians do not need to convert.
There is a new type of evangelisation in which Jesus is proclaimed without the necessity of being a members of the Church with faith and baptism,for salvation.
There is a new understanding of Church (ecclesiology) which is not missionary , exclusive and unique.
All this comes about with the use of one small premise.This is a development of doctrine with the use of one small premise.
All the books and articles on Vatican Council II have used this false premise to interpret the Creeds and to create a New Church, which is approved by the popes since Paul VI.
So the Nicene Creed is changed, the Athanasius Creed rejected and the Apostles Creed made irrelevant and meaningless.Since there can be two interpretations.One rational and the other irrational and the irrational one is used by the CDF.
Pick up any book on Vatican Council II, written by a liberal or traditionalist, and you will find a false premise, inference and conclusion.
All those numerous articles by German theologians in theological magazines, all contain the theological virus.
This can be changed. We can interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and the Church will be traditional once again.It will be traditional for the New Catechumenal Way,the Focolares, the Charismatic Renewal and the Medugorje movement communities.
One small action and we return back to the normal past.
-Lionel Andrades

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