Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Social Reign of Christ the King must be proclaimed in all politics and all walks of life since Vatican Council II supports extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.

The Social Reign of Christ the King must be proclaimed in all politics and all walks of life since Vatican Council II supports extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.-Lionel Andrades

 MAY 23, 2018

In a secular state which allows freedom of religion there could be pro-Catholic political parties, supporting the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church, and affirming in their manifesto the Social Reign of Christ the King

Cardinal Raymond Burke at the Voice of the Family Conference on May 18, affirmed the Social Reign of Christ the King over all areas of life.For me,theologically its foundation would be the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.

For centuries the Catholic Church has taught that it alone has the superiority and exclusiviseness in salvation.So it is based on this truth, and not upon arms and a military, that Cardinal Burke would be affirming 'the great reality of the Kingship of Christ'.

So why was it not affirmed all these years and only now ? 
Today we know that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the old exclusivist understanding of salvation.We now know that Lumen Gentium 8, Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16 etc are not explicit in 2018. So they cannot be references to objective exceptions to the past ecclesiology.They are not examples of known salvation outside the Catholic Church.
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Image result for photo of social reign of christ the king
We also now know that the baptism of desire, the baptism of blood and invincible ignorance refer to hypothetical cases only.They are not personally known people saved in 2018  outside the Catholic Church.
So the liberal theologians can no more reject the traditional teaching on the Kingship of Christ by citing exceptions to traditional EENS in Vatican Council II. There are no known exceptions.This is a practical reality. There are no known examples of salvation outside the Church.This is something object and obvious.
So when there are no known exceptions to the traditional teaching on the Catholic Church having the superiority and exclusiveness in salvation, the Magisterium can once again affirm the Kingship of Christ. Cardinal Burke has proclaimed the Social Kingship of Christ the King over all areas of life, political, social, cultural, religious....
The Kingship of Christ by nature is universal and extends to all men and it is not limited to only the Church said Cardinal Raymond Burke. He said Christ has authority in civil affairs and his empire includes not only baptized persons but also those who are outside the Christian faith. All men are subject to Christ and so there is no difference in this manner. The salvation of the individual and society is in Christ only.
So mission is important.

Since most people are on the way to Hell since they die outside the Church.When the government affirms the Kingship of Christ the priority for most people would be to go to Heaven and avoid Hell, since society and government would be promoting this end.This is possible when the Government is Catholic and would support the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.
In a secular state which allows the freedom of religion there could be pro-Catholic political parties, supporting the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church, and the Social Reign of Christ the King in their manifesto.-Lionel Andrades


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Image result for photo of social reign of christ the king

MAY 23, 2018

Cardinale Burke : La regalità di Cristo nei nostri cuori non è un ideale per pochi eletti, ma una realtà a cui tutti siamo chiamati con l’aiuto della grazia divina


MAY 22, 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke could meet the leaders of Forza Nuova and Militia Christi in Italy just as he met Matteo Salvini : Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation could be explained

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Image result for photo of social reign of christ the king
Image result for photo of social reign of christ the king


FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018

Catholic political parties and lay Catholics can first affirm the dogma EENS and then the Social Reign of Christ the King.In this way Catholics can enter in an organised way into the politics of France without any confusion in doctrine and theology :Macron's appeal to Catholics

The French President has called on Catholics to engage politically in the country and this could be an opportunity for lay Catholics and political parties to  affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which was known historically in France.When they affirm Vatican Council II like me, L.A, then they do not mistake LG 8, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22, AG 11(seeds of the Word) etc as being explicit and objectively visible. They are not.So they are not exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known historically to the saints in France.
Image result for Bishop Fellay social reign of christ the king PhotoImage result for Bishop Fellay social reign of christ the king Photo

So with Vatican Council II (AG 7) affirming the dogma EENS, as it was known to the missionaries and Magisterium in France in the 16th century, - and LG 8 etc not being exceptions to EENS- then the Council supports the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.There can only be an ecumenism of return.
Image result for Bishop Fellay social reign of christ the king PhotoImage result for Photo Forza Nuova
Image result for Bishop Fellay social reign of christ the king Photo
Upon this exclusivist understanding of salvation, which is traditional Catholic doctrine, was based the doctrine on the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.
So Catholic political parties and lay Catholics can first affirm the dogma EENS and then the Social Reign of Christ the King.In this way Catholics can enter in an organised way into the politics of France, without any confusion on Catholic doctrine and theology.-Lionel Andrades



APRIL 9, 2018

What if the pope or Bishop Fellay called for a day to celebrate and discuss the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation ?

APRIL 8, 2018

So for Fr. Paul McGregor the Social Reign of Christ the King must be taught in the Catholic family and its implementation will happen in future in Russia and the rest of the world when Our Lady's Immaculate Heart will Triumph http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2018/04/so-for-fr-paul-mcgregor-social-reign-of.html
APRIL 8, 2018

Fr.Paul McDonald is really saying he supports an exclusivist ecclesiology with no dual conclusions, heterodox passages, no passages against EENS http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2018/04/frpaul-mcdonald-is-really-saying.html
APRIL 7, 2018

There is no known exception to the exclusive ecclesiology of the Church on salvation so we have the old evangelisation today http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2018/04/there-is-no-known-exception-to.html
 APRIL 7, 2018

Even Vatican II says every one on the face of the earth is called to become a member of the Mystical Body ( the Catholic Church)- Fr.Paul McDonald , Fatima Center http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2018/04/even-vatican-ii-says-every-one-on-face.html
APRIL 8, 2018

Even members of the Lay Movements in the Catholic Church can proclaim the necessity of the Social Reign of Christ the King     http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2018/04/even-members-of-lay-movements-in.html
NOVEMBER 26, 2017

The Social Reign of Christ the King can be seen based on Cushingite or Feeneyite theology, Vatican Council II with the false premise or without it. http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2017/11/the-social-reign-of-christ-king-can-be.html

Image result for Bishop Fellay social reign of christ the king PhotoImage result for Bishop Fellay social reign of christ the king Photo
AUGUST 17, 2017
Bishops Fellay, Schneider are not proclaiming the Social Reign of Christ the King supported by Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite)

JULY 17, 2017
Catholic political parties must teach Catholics the faith which is not being taught by religious due to political pressure

 MAY 3, 2017
Image result for Name of the President of PolandAndrzej Duda President of Poland does not note the split between Church doctrine and State in Poland because of Cushingism   http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2017/05/andrzej-dudathe-president-of-poland.html
DECEMBER 19, 2016
Catholics will not vote for the Catholic political parties :The four cardinals are using an irrational philosophy to reject the traditional ecclesiology and interpret Vatican Council II with the same irrationality

 OCTOBER 30, 2016
Image result for Photo of the Social Reign of Christ the King
With Feeneyite Vatican Council II the Catholic Church affirms the Social Reign of Christ the King.  http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2016/10/with-feeneyite-vatican-council-ii.html
NOVEMBER 25, 2014
The Council’s words are strong and forthright here, implicitly asserting the sovereignty of Christ over all nations, but we now seldom hear them quoted http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/11/the-councils-words-are-strong-and.html 

VATICAN COUNCIL II AFFIRMS THE SOCIAL KINGSHIP OF CHRIST THE KING AND THE NON SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2016/09/vatican-council-ii-affirms-social.html

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