Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Young Catholics from a German traditional congregation allow the liberals in Germany to interpret Vatican Council II with the False and not Rational Premise


Here are young Catholics from a German traditional congregation that is allowing the liberals to interpret Vatican Council II with the False and not Rational Premise.They seem like typical Lefebvrists.

When the traditionalists are accused of being schismatic, heretical and sectarian for rejecting Vatican Council II, they keep quiet on this point .Instead they should say :

1)     That no good Catholic should accept Vatican Council II, interpreted irrationally.

2)     While every good Catholic should accept Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.

3)     It is the liberals and the Masons who are heretical and schismatic when they choose to interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise and the not the Rational Premise.  

-Lionel Andrades

 MARCH 22, 2022

Young Catholics Respond to Modernist Church in Germany

 Young Catholics Respond to Modernist Church in Germany

Young traditional Catholics respond with a video to those in the Church who "can no longer endure sound teaching".

The homosexualization of the Church is part of the vociferous agenda of the pink purple ideologues who have seized control of the church in Germany.  Sin crying out to heaven is to be raised to the altars.  The coming out of 125 employees and dignitaries of the Catholic Church a few weeks ago shows where the journey with the synodal path should go.  A group of traditional young Catholics from Certamen Germany have created a video in response to this outing.  They write about it:

 "In times of crisis, sacred tradition remains the infallible rule of faith, the criterion for distinguishing the Catholic from the non-Catholic" (Roberto de Mattei).  Many Catholics, especially the German bishops and most of their clergy, seem to have forgotten this healthy rule.  Instead of renewing the Church from within through its tradition, they escalate their reform intentions into ever more absurd fantasies, which ultimately only result in one thing: the apostasy from the Catholic faith and thus the destruction of the Catholic Church.

We traditional Catholics want to counter this doomed reform attitude, which seems to find its climax on the synodal path in Germany:

 - We do not want any other Church than that founded by our Lord Jesus Christ.

 - We want priests who are aware of the dignity of their ordination and of their associated mission.

 - We love the old Mass because it focuses on God and not on people.

 - We want to convert the world to the Catholic faith and not adapt the Catholic Church to the world.

 - We rely on what the great holy Pope Pius X was once convinced of: "The true friends of the people are neither reformers nor innovators, but the traditionalists."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Certamen/Youtube (Screenshots)

Trans: Tancred


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