Thursday, April 21, 2022

French elections : Vatican Council II must be interpreted with the Rational Premise by the French Bishops Conference

APRIL 21, 2022

French elections : Vatican Council II must be interpreted with the Rational Premise by the French Bishops Conference

President Emmanuel Macron, had nearly 28% of the vote in the first round of the French elections and  Marine Le Pen, received 23%.The next round of voting is on April 24.The elections are being held without the French Bishops Conference telling the voters to keep the Social Reign of Christ the King as a priority. It means Vatican Council II cannot be interpreted with the False Premise. Since Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise  produces false exceptions for the Arthanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors. So the alleged practical exceptions, for non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church ,makes the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, obsolete.

1.But if Vatican Council II is interpreted with the Rational Premise by the French bishops Conference, then there are no practical exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II for the Syllabus of Errors. 

2.There are no exceptions for the past ecclesiocentrism of the Catholic Church.

When the Church returns to the past exclusivist ecclesiology, then the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics, can be proclaimed. It would mean French Catholics would have an obligation to vote for a Catholic political party or candidate. They would also theologically have their Catholic Identity of the past.

Vatican Council II interpreted with a False Premise is ideological and pleases the Left.So the bishops can then say that not every one needs to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation.

With the False Premise they would also have a New Theology and New Ecumenism and New Ecclesiology.

So it would be the end of the old faith; the old theology of the Catholic Church. The change would come from 'within', from false doctrines created with the New Theology.It depends upon the False Premise.Lionel Andrades

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