Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Do they want the Latin Mass back in Paris with the Rational or Irrational premise ?


In France the laity hold banners outside the Nuncio’s office in Paris but it is not known if they want the Latin Mass with Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational or False Premise? The group has no official spokesperson, contact address or office.


The laity could appeal to the Nuncio to interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise. This would be non political, non heretical and non schismatic. It would also bring unity in theology and doctrine at the Novus Ordo, Latin and Greek Byzantine Mass.

Vatican Council II (Rational) would bring coherence in Catholic theology and doctrine. The laity will not have to go back to Tradition and reject Vatican Council II (Irrational). They simply would replace it with Vatican Council II (Rational).There would then be a continuity with the Patristic period and also the 12th to 16th century theology.


So the laity in France must ask the cardinals, bishops and priests at every Holy Mass, to interpret Vatican Council II rationally. In this way the whole Church affirms the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, which would no more be contradicted in the name of Vatican Council II (Irrational) i.e. the Council, interpreted with the False Premise. The False Premise has been exposed.

So the priests in France at every Novus Ordo Mass would have no other rational choice.

1.They would have to support an ecumenism of return. 

2.They would have to support Traditional Mission based upon exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Since there would be no practical exceptions for the past ecclesiocentrism mentioned in the text of Vatican Council II (Rational).

Vatican Council II (Rational) with no practical exceptions for EENS would be coherent with exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, as it was taught over the centuries. It would be coherent with the theology of the Roman Missal (1580).

3.They would have to support the Old Theology which only used the Rational Premise.

A.So the laity must no more support the New Ecumenism based upon Vatican Council II (Irrational). The False Premise must be avoided since it is dishonest and not Catholic.

B.There would no more be the New Evangelisation based upon Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise, which creates false exceptions for EENS, the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors and the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24 q, 27Q). The New Evangelisation is Christocentric and without the traditional Ecclesiocentrism of the Church.

C.The New Theology based upon Vatican Council II (Irrational) would be replaced with the Old Theology, which always had the Rational Premise.


So the laity must ask the Catholic priests in France to no more support a false liberalism in theology. They could support the strict interpretation of EENS, upon which is based the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King. The laity must correct the error of the priests and the French Catholic Bishops Conference.


In Paris the banners before the Nuncio’s office must say that Vatican Council II can only be interpreted with the Rational Premise at the Latin Mass and also the Novus Ordo Mass. This is being honest and not deceptive. There is then no rupture with the theology of the Roman Missal.

The present liberalism of the French bishops, they could announce, creates mortal sins of faith at Mass. This is a public scandal.


The Mass in France is today offered by priests, in general, who reject the Athanasius Creed, change the understanding of the Nicene Creed with the False Premise, and re-interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise. Then they wrongly interpret the baptism of desire (BOD) and invincible ignorance (I.I) and all the Catechisms( which mention BOD and I.I), with the same deceptive premise and inference. Then they wrongly conclude that Vatican Council II is a break with Tradition.This is the official narrative.

The laity in France must not allow a false interpretation of Magisterial Documents.

-Lionel Andrades


 JULY 2, 2021

The laity if they have another meeting with Bishop Roland Minnerath, must understand that the liberal bishop's weak point is theology.The real issue for him and the present two popes , is not the Maass but the old theology, the old ecclesiocentrism.


The laity, if they have another meeting with Bishop Roland Minnerath, must understand that the liberal bishop’s weak point is theology. The real issue for him and the present two popes, is not the Mass but the old theology, the old ecclesiocentrism. The FSSP priests, are side stepping Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise and are going back to the sources of Tradition This is the real problem for the bishop and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).
1.The laity must know that there can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II , one with the irrational premise and the other without it. They can choose the CDF interpretation of Vatican Council II or that of Lionel Andrades, without the irrationality.
2.There can also be two interpretations of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I). One, in which BOD, BOB and I.I are seen as physically visible people saved outside the Church in 2021,or, as being only hypothetical and theoretical cases, which do not exist in our reality. So the interpretation of BOD, BOB and I.I is rational and the other is irrational. Again the laity have to choose between the interpretations of the popes or Lionel Andrades. They, of course must choose the rational option and ask the bishop to do the same.
This has to be clear.

For it means that at Mass in Latin, French or that of the Orientals, the theology; the ecclesiology of all aspects of the Church will be traditional. There will be no rupture with the exclusivist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) of Fr. Leonard Feeney, or the Athanasius Creed which says all need Catholic faith for salvation or the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. This means that the Catechisms of the Council of Trent and Pius X will not contradict itself, when the strict interpretation of EENS is supported along with hypothetical cases of BOD, BOB and I.I.


With the theology of the Church, before and after Vatican Council II, being traditional and coherent, the bishop should be asked to affirm the faith.
If he refuses to affirm the dogma EENS and the Athanasius Creed in public and cites Vatican Council II as a development of doctrine, he is interpreting the Council with the false premise.

Catholics of all Rites in France should be able to affirm Vatican Council II ( rational) and the Athanasius Creed (rational-with no known exceptions).

If the bishop affirms Vatican Council II and the Athanasius Creed with exceptions, it means he is using the false premise, and should be checked here.
If the Apostles Creed or Nicene Creed is recited by the laity at Mass, in a Profession of Faith, it is meaningless, if they interpret the Creeds with the false premise instead of without it. If they interpret the BOD, BOB and I.I with the false premise, then they really change the interpretation of these two Creeds. One interpretation is rational and traditional and the other is irrational and a break with Tradition.

Similarly if the Four Marks of the Church are affirmed ( one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic), it can be meaningless and misleading, if the distinction is not made between the fake and the rational premise. Since with the premise the conclusion differs. So the laity will often have to choose between the interpretation of Bishop Minnerath and Lionel Andrades.
It must be remembered that the bishop’s weak point is theology. He has to use the false premise to support his liberalism, ‘the theology of religions’.


The laity and the FSSP priests must know that like in the past there was the Arian heresy in the Church today there is the heresy of the false premise.It is like a theological virus which has become a spiritual epidemic in the Church.

So when they concelebrate Mass in Dijon, or elsewhere in France, the diocesan priest will not be a traditionalist, since he interprets Vatican Council II and other Church documents , with the false premise, which produces a non traditional conclusion.
Then because of the Leftist laws Bishop Roland Minnerath may want to interpret Vatican Council II and Magisterial documents with the false premise. There is no tension or persecution.


The FSSP will have to offer Mass with the diocesan priests and Bishop Minnerath who are in an ‘irregular situation’. The false premise puts them in schism with the past Magisterium over the centuries and in first class heresy with the Creeds.
When they choose the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II it is not something knew in the Church. The innovation and newness came into the Church with the false premise, inference and conclusion.I am identifying it and pointing out the original premise and inference which was responsible for the traditional conclusion.

Since outside the Church there is no salvation according to Vatican Council II, the laity in Dijon need an organization or office to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King, in French politics. According to Vatican Council II membership in the Catholic Church is necessary to avoid Hell ( Ad Gentes 7- all need faith and baptism for salvation).They could name this organization Only the Catholic Church, which until now is only a slogan.


The Latin laity could organize candidates for political office in France, who will proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics, based upon the exclusive ecclesiology of Vatican Council II( interpreted with the rational premise) and Tradition ( Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX etc).Vatican Council II must no more seen as a break with the traditional understanding of Mission, Ecumenism, Mortal Sin etc.
The Latin laity should not really be protesting outside the bishop’s office. They simply have to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and it is the progressivists who will be upset. Since there could no more be a liberal catechesis, scout program etc, since the Council will have changed before their eyes. Change your premise and you change the Church. Ecclesiology depends upon the premise-used.So why protest if the ecclesiology of the Church today can only be traditional ? Where is the rupture with collegiality, ecumenism and religious liberty as in the past, when the Council is traditional, without the false premise ? Let the liberals come outside the bishop’s office with placards and banners, saying, ‘We don’t want to interpret VC2 rationally. Give us back our old Church of 1965’.
Once we are aware of the false premise, Pope Francis can create the Amazon and new rites, for the Mass and the ecclesiology of the Church will not change. It will still be the same as the Traditional Latin Mass of the 16th century.-Lionel Andrades

JULY 1, 2021

Bishop Minnerath takes advantage of the laity's lack of knowledge of theology


There can only be one rational interpretation of Vatican Council II it is the one with the Rational Premise and not the Irrational Premise and Life Site News does not choose it. John Henry Weston editor-in-chief of Life Site News interprets LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 as being practical exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

 There can only be one rational interpretation of Vatican Council II it is the one with the Rational Premise and not the Irrational Premise and Life Site News does not choose it. John Henry Weston editor-in-chief  of Life Site News interprets LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 as being practical exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.I choose to see LG 8, as not being practical exceptions for the traditional exclusivist  ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.

So for him, LG 8 etc refer to visible people in the present times (1965-2022) saved outside the Catholic Church, without Catholic faith and the baptism of water. Then LG 8 etc are assumed wrongly, to be practical exceptions for the Athanasius Creed which says all must be members of the Catholic Church for salvation. This is his non-traditional conclusion.

For me, LG 8 etc refer to invisible people in the present times, so they cannot be practical exceptions for the Syllabus of Errors or an ecumenism of return and there being no salvation outside the Catholic Church. So my conclusion is traditional.

So his False Premise is invisible non Catholics saved outside the Church are visible and my Rational Premise is invisible non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church are invisible.

Since are premises are different are conclusions are also different. He rejects the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed with his irrational new theology based upon the False Premise (invisible cases are visible).I do not have to reject the past Magisterial Documents.

I am not rejecting the theoretical possibility of someone being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I), the baptism of desire(BOD) and baptism of blood(BOB), outside the Church, since everything is possible with God, including there being only Catholics in Heaven.

However for me, theoretical possibilities should not be projected as objective examples of salvation in the present times. They should not be mistaken as practical exceptions for 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Catechism of Pope Pius X (24 Q, 27Q).

So now we have an EENS with the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance being exceptions and an EENS,without them being exceptions.

Then there are also two interpretations of the Athanasius Creed and the Nicene Creed. There is the interpretation of John Henry Weston and mine.

On Vatican Council II John Henry Weston is irrational and I am not.

The Life Site News correspondent in France, Jeanne Smits interprets Vatican Council II with the Irrational Premise as does Bishop Roland Minnerath, the FSSP, the diocesan priests and the Latin laity, in Dijon, France. So she cannot tell Bishop Minnerath that he wrote his books interpreting Vatican Council II with the False Premise and not the Rational Premise and so his non-traditional conclusion is artificial and false. She cannot tell him to affirm the Athanasius Creed and Vatican Council II (Rational). 

She cannot tell him that Vatican Council II (Rational) contradicts the books he wrote on the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.

She cannot ask the diocesan priests at Dijon, who offer the Novus Ordo and Latin Mass, why do they not affirm the dogma EENS interpreted rationally with BOD, BOB and I.I not being exceptions. Also why do they not interpret  Vatican Council ( Rational ) in which LG 8 etc are interpreted rationally and so they are not exceptions for the Athanasius Creed ?

Why cannot this be the rational, traditional and common old theology at Holy Mass in Latin and the vernacular in France ?

Life Site News supports Bishop Roland Minnerath 

and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in their pro-left campaign against the Latin Mass and those Catholics who want to affirm Vatican Council II ( Rational ) at the Novus Ordo Mass  all over the world.-Lionel Andrades

 JANUARY 13, 2022

The Latin laity at Dijon, France must ask Bishop Roland Minnerath to interpret Vatican Council II rationally in public and admit that he made an objective error in the books he wrote. He interpreted Vatican Council II with the False Premise

 The Latin laity at Dijon, France must ask Bishop Roland Minnerath to interpret Vatican Council II rationally in public and admit that he made an objective error in the books he wrote. He interpreted Vatican Council II with the False Premise.

They should ask him to affirm the Athanasius Creed in harmony with Vatican Council II (Rational) and interpret all Magisterial Documents rationally and ask the diocesan priests and laity to do the same.

If Bishop Roland Minnerath does not interpret the Creeds according to their original meaning it is a mortal sin of faith. We cannot change the meaning of the Creeds with the use of the common False Premise. -Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 11, 2022

Parents at Dijon, France who are informed, must demand that the diocesan priests and those from the religious communities, only interpret Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise and support the traditional French ecclesiocentrism like that of St. Joan of Arc and the Vendees.


At First Holy Communion classes in Dijon, France, these days, the FSSP priests are not there for the Latin laity. The children are not being taught by traditionalists (Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest) that the Catholic Church teaches today with a rational interpretation of Vatican Council II ( AG 7) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church ( 845,846 etc) that outside the Church there is no salvation. All must be Catholic to go to Heaven (AG 7 etc). Neither is this taught to the children by the diocesan priests at the Novus Ordo Mass and other liturgies in Dijon.

 Instead the FSSP error is repeated. The children are told that invisible cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance are practical exceptions for the past ecclesiocentric ecclesiology (Athanasius Creed) of France, eldest daughter of the Catholic Church.

Parents at Dijon, who are informed, must demand that the diocesan priests and those from the religious communities, only interpret Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise and support the traditional French ecclesiocentrism like that of St. Joan of Arc and the Vendees.

The Rational Premise will end the theological epidemic and the whole Church can return to Tradition and not only those who go for the Latin Mass.-Lionel Andrades

ANUARY 11, 2022

Courage and Faith: The Story of St. Joan of Arc


There should not be a profession of faith, renewal of vows and an oath of office when the religious knows that he or she will have to affirm Magisterial Documents dishonestly and proclaim a false Catholic faith. He or she would be political but not Catholic : French bishops and Religious Superiors Oath of Office and Renewal of Vows and Profession of Faith are presently false.


French bishops and Religious Superiors Oath of Office and Renewal of Vows and Profession of Faith are presently false. 

When Bishop Roland Minnerath came out of his office to speak to the Latin laity protesting outside he asked them if they knew Canon Law and Theology. Now it’s time for the laity to say, YES!

According to Canon Law a bishop or religious superior makes a profession of faith, an oath of office and a renewal of religious vows in public, but also before God. So the religious must interpret Magisterial Documents honestly and not dishonestly.

Bishop Minnerath today makes his religious vows as a bishop with a false interpretation of Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Catechisms, extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. Since he interprets Vatican Council II with the False Premsie he creates exceptions for the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church. So he rejects the Syllabus of Errors and has also written books critical of the old theology of the Syllabus of Errors.

If he interpreted Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents with the Rational Premise then there would be no exceptions in the Council-text for the Syllabus of Errors. He would then have to affirm the Syllabus of Errors and other Magisterial Documents and especially interpret Vatican Council II rationally, with the Rational Premise.

So when he makes his religious vows he should really agree to interpret Magisterial Documents with the Rational Premise and so his conclusion would be traditional like that of the Magisterium in the 16th century, for example.

It would be the same for all the religious superiors of the religious communities in Dijon, France. If they use the False Premise then their vows are meaningless and also a sin.

There should not be a profession of faith, renewal of vows and an oath of office when the religious knows that he or she will have to affirm Magisterial Documents dishonestly and proclaim a false Catholic faith. He or she would be political but not Catholic.

It would be the same for the bishops of the French Bishops Conference and the Religious Superiors of the Ecclesia Dei communities in France.  -Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 9, 2022

The Latin laity in Dijon, France must ask the diocesan priests who offer the Latin Mass there to return to the past Tridentine theology, the old exclusivist theology of the Catholic Church, by interpreting Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents with a Rational Premise.


The Latin laity in Dijon, France must ask the diocesan priests who offer the Latin Mass there to return to the past Tridentine theology, the old exclusivist theology of the Catholic Church, by interpreting Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents with a Rational Premise. Then the Catechesis would be similar to that of the FSSP before Bishop Minnerath pushed them out.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 9, 2022

The Tridentine theology depends upon the premise and not the Latin Mass


If Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise then his theology will be Tridentine at the Novus Ordo Mass.

If Bishop Roland Minnerath interprets Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise then this theology will be Tridentine at the Novus Ordo Mass in Dijon, France.

If Cardinal Vincent Nicols and Cardinal Robert Sarah would interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise then their theology would be Tridentine at the Novus Ordo and Latin Mass.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 9, 2022

France returns to the Tridentine theology

                                                                                                                                                                                   -Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 15, 2022

The Ecclesia Dei communities in France are officially supporting Vatican Council II interpreted with an Irrational Premise which creates the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition

JANUARY 16, 2022

Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrier, France signed the Communique of the Ecclesia Dei communities at Cortalain, France last September, in which he approved Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise. It creates the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.It is an abjuration of the Catholic faith. It supports schism with the past Magisterium, first class heresy on the Creeds and the rejection of de fide teachings of the Church which it is obligatory to believe in

 We reaffirm our adherence to the magisterium (including that of Vatican II and what follows), according to the Catholic doctrine of the assent due to it (cf. in particular LUMEN GENTIUM, §25, and Catechism of the Catholic Church, §891 and §892), as evidenced by the numerous studies and doctoral theses carried out by several of us over the past 33 years.   -  Joint Statement by Superiors General of “Ecclesia Dei” Communities,Courtelain, France,

Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrier, France signed the Communique of the Ecclesia Dei communities at Cortalain, France last September, in which he approved Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise. It creates the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.It is an abjuration of the Catholic faith. It supports schism with the past Magisterium, first class heresy on the Creeds and the rejection of de fide teachings of the Church which it is obligatory to believe in, example, the Creeds, without their meaning being changed with a False Premise, inference and non traditional conclusion.

Since Father Louis-Marie de Blignières is politically correct with the Left he is allowed politically to function in France. 

Similarly in the USA the sedevacantist bishops are allowed to have their seminaries, churches and educational facilities since they use the False Premise but the conclusion, though politically correct, is a sin for Catholics. -Lionel Andrades


JANUARY 9, 2022

Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrier, France has not issued a statement on Vatican Council II interpreted with the Fake Premise and the Rational Premise


Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrier, France will continue to offer the Latin Mass as before Traditionis Custode. However he has not issued a statement on Vatican Council II, which is the real issue. Will he interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise as Pope Francis wants or will he interpret the Council with the Rational Premise and so with the hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition ?

He could also assist the Latin laity at Dijon, France and ask Bishop Roland Minnerath and the diocesan priests there, who offer the Novus Ordo and Latin Mass, to also interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and return to the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Patristic period and the Middle Ages.

At First Holy Communion preparation classes in France, Vatican Council II should not be interpreted according to Bishop Roland Minnerath but with Vatican Council II (rational) which has a hermeneutic of continuity with the Magisterium over the centuries in France.

He could appeal to Pope Francis to re-interpret Vatican Council II rationally and come back to the Faith. A major flaw in Traditionis Custode is that it interprets Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise and considers this the work of the Holy Spirit.

In Rome, if Cardinal Angelo Donatis, Vicar General, did not use the False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II, then during his Holy Mass in Italian for the Easter Triduum, this year, there would be nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the Athanasius Creed, the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus with hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire( LG 14) and invincible ignorance(LG 16) not being practical and objective exceptions. Cardinal Donatis, who has prohibited the Latin Mass for the Easter Triduum, would be conservative in his theology. There would be a hermeneutic of continuity with St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Francis Xavier when they offered the Traditional Latin Mass and held the traditional exclusivist concept of salvation.

The Italian cardinal would be affirming an exclusivist ecclesiology at Holy Mass in Italian and there would no more be a pre and post Vatican Council II ecclesiology. So the theology at Mass in Italian, Latin, Greek or Syro Malabar would be the same. It would be traditional.It would be Feeneyite and not Cushingite.

So there no more would be a reason for Pope Francis and the Left to target only the Latin Mass in the name of Vatican Council II interpreted with the Fake Theology; the Fake Premise.

How can diocesan priests be allowed to use a Fake Premise to interpret Vatican Council II at the Novus Ordo Mass in France, Italy etc ?. Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrier must ask the French Bishops Conference.-Lionel Andrades


FEBRUARY 7, 2022

No one is formally asking Bishop Roland Minnerath to interpret Vatican Council II rationally, only. Vocations to the religious life in Dijon, France must be told to interpret Vatican Council II only with the Rational Premise. Religious Superiors must make their Profession of Faith and take their Oath of Office in public, only by accepting and affirming Vatican Council II (Rational).


In interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II as referring to invisible and unknown people in 2022. Bishop Roland Minnerath interprets them as referring to physically visible and known non Catholics saves outside the Church without faith and the baptism of water. No one is formally asking Bishop Minnerath to interpret Vatican Council II rationally, only.

He has written a book supporting a theology of religions and another book critical of the Syllabus of Errors. In both these books he used the False Premise (invisible cases are visible) to interpret Vatican Council II.

So with the False Premise these books are Christocentric and not Ecclesiocentric/ Christocentric. The False Premise creates the New Theology which projects exceptions for the past ecclesiocentrism. His books are written with the New Theology and not the old theology. He supports the New Ecumenism, since with the False Premise he creates exceptions for the old ecumenism of return.

Vocations to the religious life in Dijon, France must be told to interpret Vatican Council II only with the Rational Premise.

Religious Superiors must make their Profession of Faith and take their Oath of Office in public, only by accepting and affirming Vatican Council II (Rational).  -Lionel Andrades


June 29, 2021

Bishop Roland Minnerath has interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise and with this error has written a book on 'the theology of religions' he has also interpreted the Syllabus of Errors with a false premise and published books with this error

NOVEMBER 23, 2021

Vocations to the Religious Life in Dijon, France have to interpret Vatican Council II ( LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc) with a False Premise and so reject the traditional interpretation of the Creeds and Catechisms to be politically correct with Macron and the Left in France.It is the same in Spain and England.

 Vocations to the Religious Life in Dijon, France have to interpret Vatican Council II ( LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc) with a False Premise and so reject the traditional interpretation of the Creeds and Catechisms to be politically correct  with Macron and the Left in France.It is the same in Spain and England.Those Catholics who go for Holy Mass in the vernacular  could take up this issue with the their bishops. 

The diocesan priests in Dijon who offer Holy Mass in French could ask Bishop Roland Minnerath to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so also the Creeds, Catechisms and extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Then there will not be doctrinal division with the past Magisterium at the Novus Ordo Mass.

Archbishop Arthur Roche when he was the bishop of Leeds, England, would not affirm the dogma EENS since he wanted to interpret  the BOD, BOB and I.I  with the fake premise, for political reasons. 

The same ruse is followed by Andrea Grillo and the professors at the Benedictine University of St. Anselm, Rome, when they attend Holy Mass in Italian.They have courses in liturgy, with academic degrees being given, which are approved by Archbishop Arthur Roche.-Lionel Andrades

Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Dr. Taylor Marshall have found the Specific Error in Vatican Council II.They now know what creates the New Theology and the break with Tradition.It is the False Premise.
There are no literal and visible cases of the Baptism of Desire said Bishop Athanasius Schneider.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Dr.Taylor Marshall chose the Blue Left Hand Side  Rational Column. The Ecclesia Dei communities must do the same and demand that Bishop Roland Minnerath also interpret Vatican Council II with the rational column.


OCTOBER 1, 2021

Ecclesia Dei communities demand that Bishop Roland Minnerath be rational. With the Red Right Hand Side Column he and Pope Francis create official heresy. This is schism with the past Magisterium ( Graphics )                                                                                                               

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