Saturday, April 2, 2022

In spite of the suffering, with bad theology, and faculty and students not wanting to affirm the politically incorrect Catholic faith- over all, it was a good experience being there

There are good priests on the faculty of the seminary Pontifical Maria Mater Ecclesia, Rome of the Legion of Christ. I have good memories of being there. Also the present batch of students would also be sincere like those at the time when I was there 20 years back ( 2002-2003).The Spirituality and prayers at this seminary were excellent and this could be a positive aspect for a young man who has a religious vocation. Also the priests today on the faculty, include some whom I know personally. They were compassionate and helpful. They were good pastors. Most of the priests of some 20 years back are not there and I have good memories.


But now for over 20 years the Legion of Christ is still teaching the bad theology, which comes from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the popes.They use the common False Premise to interpret Magisterial Documents ( Creeds and Catechism). The faculty would call it 'being in step with the Church' or following the bishops.

But it is not being in step with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church of the  Patristic period or the time of the missionaries in the 16th century. There is a big rupture created with the New Theology which is based upon the False Premise and is approved by the political Left in Italy.

I remember a good priest-formator at that time, Fr.Pierre; he had a natural way of explaining things and was fluent in many languages. He was sincere but he had to follow the heretical theology.


This was handed over to him by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger the then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He had no other choice if he wanted to remain a priest there at that time.The mandatum to teach theology is only given to a priest who will use the False Premise to interpret Church Documents.

So he today like the present faculty would interpret Vatican Council II with the False and not Rational Premise and then create alleged practical exceptions for the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the Athanasius Creed and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).

They will change the understanding of the Nicene and Apostles Creed. This is official and public as in other seminaries in Rome.

The faculty will promote this official modernism also in 2023.

But to reject the Creeds practically and in public, by changing their original understanding, is a mortal sin of faith. In this condition the good priests on the facility offer Holy Mass in the vernacular.

Is the Holy Mass of a priest in public mortal sin valid? Yes for the faithful at Mass. But not affirming the traditional and original interpretation of the Creeds is grave matter for the priest. He also trains seminarians to do the same.

They will one day offer Holy Mass in their countries in this condition. 

The public sin was the norm for the faculty members when I was there. Three of those priests of some 20 years back are on the faculty  today (2022).

The common error was the norm for the priest-librarian at that time, a former seminarian of PIMME, who had placed in the library, all the books written by Fr. Hans Kung sj. He told me that they were following instructions( probably from the Vatican).


Fr. Hans Kung interpreted Vatican Council II with the Fake and not Rational Premise, as did Fr. John Courtney Murray sj, Fr.Karl Rahner sj, and the American Jesuits. So in this way Kung created artificial ‘practical exceptions’ for the dogma on the Infallibility of the Pope ex cathedra. Since with the False Premise, the dogma EENS was contradicted and made obsolete. With EENS out of the way, with alleged practical exceptions, it has been asked over the last 50 years or more, "Why should there be the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics, when Vatican Council II says there is known salvation outside the Church ?" and ' Why should there be traditional mission', asked Pope Benedict himself, a few years back(Avvenire). He said that with Vatican Council II (interpreted with the False Premise) there was 'a development of doctrine'.He meant calculated hermeneutic of discontinuity.

Kung, like the faculty at PIMME did not know that there were two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one rational and the other irrational.

The irrational version with the Fake Premise is not corrected by the CDF for political reasons. It is followed by the popes and the religious organizations.

This was not known to my Spiritual Director Fr. Andrez Martinez L.C, a good priest, charismatic and enthusiastic. It was not known to the seminarians at PIMME and the Rector Fr. Juan Manual Duennas l.c. Neither was it known to Fr. Scott Hernandes, Fr. Michael Ryan l.c and Fr. Edward McNamara L.C.

So young men even today, if they want to become a priest would be told to reject the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS according to Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston and pretend that there are physically visible cases today of non Catholics saved  outside the Catholic Church with the baptism of desire and in invincible ignorance.

I could not do this.  

Since the priests  could not affirm the dogma EENS I asked my bishop if I could be dispensed with a spiritual director. He agreed.


Fr. Ryan was a compassionate Irish priest and a big help for me in many ways but the New Theology was being enforced by the Legion of Christ at the seminary and their university, the University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum (UPRA).The Dean of Theology at UPRA was Fr. Thomas Williams l.c. He is now a married lay man and still interprets Vatican Council II with the False Premise at Breitbart News in Rome. Another American priest, like Williams, who was active in the media, and was married by Cardinal Dolan in New York, was the Vice Rector at UPRA. The founder of the community was still alive at that time.

They had their religious formation with the liberal moral and faith theology of those times.

They were teaching it to the students at UPRA.Fr. Cory Myers, who, I am told,  is one of the assistant diocesan priests for an auxiliary bishop in Chicago, USA today, was an American seminarian when I was there at PIMME. Cory would follow the liberal moral theology which rejected mortal sin.Since it was assumed that we could never judge the internal intent and motivation of a person in sin and so there really was no mortal sin. This reasoning would be condemned by Pope John Paul II in his encyclical on morals, Veritatis Splendor.Immodesty in clothes in general is a mortal sin, I would say. Cory would say it is not. The three conditions of mortal sin were never met, for him. The rejection of the dogma EENS is a mortal sin, I would say. Cory and the faculty could say it is not since EENS is contradicted by Vatican Council II( interpreted irrationally).

This was the liberal formation in faith and morals at that time, in Rome’s Catholic and secular universities.

In spite of these limitations the faculty was generally conservative. They opposed homosexual unions and abortions. They were strongly pro-life. There was the devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe in a strong way there.

Pastorally they were good priests. They had set a good example for the seminarians at PIMME and students at UPRA.


I always had an admiration for the Legion of Christ seminarians, who would live in an adjacent building in the seminary, and with whom I would meet and study in class at UPRA. They were edifying. They were warriors for Christ. They were dedicated,intelligent and organised.They are priests today all over the world and they must value their religious formation in Rome.

In spite of the suffering, with bad theology, and faculty and students not wanting to affirm the politically incorrect Catholic faith, over all, it was a good experience being there.

-Lionel Andrades


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