Friday, April 8, 2022

Latin Mass Society, Una Voce must confirm that they interpret Vatican Council II rationally and in harmony with Tradition.

The Latin Mass Society(LMS) in the United Kingdom must announce that they affirm LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II( Rational) as referring to only hypothetical cases in 2022.So there are no physically visible examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church. There are no practical exceptions for the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the rest of Tradition. Vatican Council II (Rational) without the False Premise( which creates alleged exceptions for EENS) is not a rupture with the exclusivist theology of the Roman Missal (1580). The Latin Mass of today would then have the same ecclesiology as the Traditional Latin Mass of the 16th century, for the Latin Mass Society(LMS) and Federation International Una Voce (FIUV).


Vatican Council II (Rational) would not be a rupture with the ecumenism of return, of the Syllabus of Errors. It would not contradict the interpretation of EENS (with no known exceptions) of the Jesuit missionaries in the Middle Ages. The exclusivist ecclesiology of the past centuries would be intact. This would be the theological basis for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics.

The LMS and FIUV need to issue a statement opposing the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II by Cardinal Vince Nichols and the bishops in the U.K.

Joseph Shaw is the Chairman of the Federation International Una Voce and President of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales, and teaches philosophy at the St. Benet Hall, Oxford University, England. He still interprets Vatican Council II with LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, being exceptions for the strict interpretation of 16th century EENS. So he implies that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to objective people, visible, who are examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church, without faith and baptism (AG 7). 


They would have to be visible and known. Since invisible people cannot be objective exceptions for EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and the rest of Tradition. But we know that such cases are known only to God.They are invisible for us if they happen.

The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston (LOHO) made a mistake when it projected unknown cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance as being known exceptions for Feeneyite EENS.The same mistake was repeated in Vatican Council II by the Council Fathers- Rahner, Ratzinger, Congar,Murray and the cardinal-archbishop of Boston, Richard Cushing.It was with bad philosophy that they created a bad new theology.

So with the False Premise ( invisible people are visible) the Benedictines and Dominicans at Oxford, interpret Vatican Council II and produce a False Rupture with the theology of St. Benedict and St. Dominic, and then offer Holy Mass in English or Latin.

To teach theology in England, they, need a mandatum from the bishop and so does Joseph Shaw, John Rao, Thomas Pink and John Lamont, who all use the False Premise.


But with the False Premise they reject the Athanasius Creed and change the meaning of the Nicene Creed. This is first class heresy in the hierarchy of truths of Pope John Paul II ( Ad Tuendem Fidem).It is also schism with the Magisterium since the Patristic period. So it is a mortal sin of faith which is supported by members of the LMS and FIUV.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church mentions mortal sins. To deny Jesus and His Church is a mortal sin. Jesus has said that those who deny Him he will deny before the Father in Heaven. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says that those who do not know the Son do not know the Father. Those who do not believe in the Son will not have eternal life. In John 3:5 Jesus says all need the baptism of water for salvation and in Mark 16:16 Jesus says those who do not believe will be condemned.


When Joseph Shaw and members of the LMS and FIUV interpret Vatican Council II like Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Archbishop Arthur Roche, they support a break with the de fide teachings of the Church, which are obligatory for all Catholics to believe in. They are in schism with the past Magisterium, just like the liberals. They reject the teachings of the Holy Spirit in the Church.

This rejection can no more be justified with Vatican Council II ( Irrational ) since Catholics know that the Council can be interpreted rationally and it is not a  break with Tradition.


Joseph Shaw has been informed about this over the last few years and he refuses to issue a statement on this issue. He would also not correct Prof. Gavin D’Costa at the University of Bristol, England, who has written a book on Vatican Council II, published as a paperback edition, in which he interprets the Council with the irrational premise.


Joseph Shaw also did not correct Traditional Custode when it used the False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II and it was alleged that this was the teaching of the Holy Spirit. This is human error. How can the Holy Spirit create a new teaching based upon an objective and factual error? Where is the new revelation in the Church? It cannot be there in Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally.


In England all the priests at Holy Mass, in all rites, must affirm the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and the Athanasius Creed, since these Magisterial Documents are in harmony with Vatican Council II( Rational ) and the Council can only be interpreted rationally. It is unethical to use a False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II and then suggest that the Council is a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors and Feeneyite EENS.


The laity at even the Novus Ordo Mass should object when Vatican Council II is interpreted with a False Premise to create a New Theology, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelization, New Canon Law, New Ecumenism etc. This is dishonesty.

The baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance can only be interpreted rationally. So they are not exceptions for 16th century EENS.

The Catechism of Pope Pius X can only be interpreted rationally. So 29Q (invincible ignorance) is not an exception for 24Q and 27Q (outside the Church there is no salvation in other religions).

Cardinal Vincent Nichols must be asked to affirm the Syllabus of Errors, Catechism of  Pope Pius X, Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, rationally.

 The Catholic Bishops Conference for England

and Wales will then  have to come back to 


-Lionel Andrades

 DECEMBER 19, 2021

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj must announce that all cardinals, bishops, parish priests, rectors and religious sisters must interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and not the Irrational Premise, as suggested by Traditionis Custode


Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj,must announce that all cardinals, bishops, parish priests, rectors and religious sisters must interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and not the Irrational Premise, as suggested by Traditionis Custode.Morally Catholics should not be expected to use a False Premise when a rational alternative is available which is traditional and non schismatic and non heretical.

Traditionis Custode creates division on the Eucharist it supports sacrilege and scandal when it changes the interpretation of Vatican Council II with a False Premise.This creates the New Theology. The New Theology and the old theology are related to who receives the Eucharist. Traditionis Custode interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and then it is cited for giving the Eucharist to the divorced and re-married, Protestants and non Christians.

Traditionis Custode promotes ecclesial division on the Eucharist with the Fake Premise. The laity are obliged to reject it and ask Pope Francis to interpret Vatican Council II rationally. This would be Magisterial.They now have a choice.

The past ecclesiocentrism of the Catholic Church is made obsolete with the use of the Fake Premise.The reasoning of the Fake Premise is  invisible people are physically visible in 1965-2021. Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance), for example, becomes an example of visible salvation outside the Church.So it is claimed that there are practical exceptions for the Athanasius Creed, dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) etc).

If the popes from Paul VI had interpreted Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise there would not be a new ecclesiology, new ecumenism, etc since the Council would support the Athanasius Creed which states ‘Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly.’

So now  when a bishop, Parish Priest or Rector,  interprets Vatican Council II with the False Premise instead of the Rational Premise and gives the Eucharist  to non Christians, the laity must know, that he really interprets the Council II irrationallywith the Fake Premise.He also expects them to do the same. This is the message of Traditionis Custode.It interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and creates ecclesial division on the Eucharist.

They must ask the bishops, Parish Priests and Rectors, to reject Traditionis Custode and interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise, this would be Magisterial.They could also ask Pope Francis to do the same. -Lionel Andrades

 DECEMBER 19, 2021

Eucharistic 'reforms' with Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise according to Traitionis Custode

DECEMBER 19, 2021

Traditionis Custode creates division on the Eucharist it supports sacrilege and scandal when it changes the interpretation of Vatican Council II with a False Premise to produce political liberalism in the Church.

DECEMBER 18, 2021

Traditionis Custode uses the false premise. Catholics are not obliged to follow it. It is immoral and unethical.This is ecclesial division


 DECEMBER 18, 2021

There are two interpretations of Vatican Council II. Traditionis Custode chooses the wrong one

DECEMBER 18, 2021

The interpretation of Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise is approved by the Left. It is ideological.It is not Catholic.It cannot be Magisterial since it is based upon an objective error which can still be avoided today

 DECEMBER 16, 2021

In Traditionis Custode Vatican Council II is interpreted without the Rational Premise

NOVEMBER 30, 2021

Pope Francis, Cardinal Angelo Donatis and Archbishop Arthur Roche maintain restrictions on the Latin Mass based upon their interpretation of Vatican Council II with the False, Irrational Premise

NOVEMBER 29, 2021

Archbishop Arthur Roche refers to the old and new Magisterium with reference to Vatican Council II and the Latin Mass.But now we know that there is a Ratonal and Irrational Premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and Roche is using the Fake Premise to create a ‘new magisterium’.

                                                                                                                                                                                       -Lionel Andrades


 DECEMBER 18, 2021

There are two interpretations of Vatican Council II. Traditionis Custode chooses the wrong one

DECEMBER 18, 2021

The interpretation of Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise is approved by the Left. It is ideological.It is not Catholic.It cannot be Magisterial since it is based upon an objective error which can still be avoided today

 DECEMBER 16, 2021

In Traditionis Custode Vatican Council II is interpreted without the Rational Premise

NOVEMBER 30, 2021

Pope Francis, Cardinal Angelo Donatis and Archbishop Arthur Roche maintain restrictions on the Latin Mass based upon their interpretation of Vatican Council II with the False, Irrational Premise

NOVEMBER 29, 2021

Archbishop Arthur Roche refers to the old and new Magisterium with reference to Vatican Council II and the Latin Mass.But now we know that there is a Ratonal and Irrational Premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and Roche is using the Fake Premise to create a ‘new magisterium’.


MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021

Pope Francis also has chosen the right hand side column : he can correct the error



                                                                                                                  -Lionel Andrades

JULY 25, 2021

Traditionis Custode was written with Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise, and so its conclusion was non traditional.Pope Francis needs to interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise, affirm Tradition and permit the Latin and Novus Ordo freely for those who do the same.


The whole Church is using a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and the whole Church can change.

Every Catholic must interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise( blue column) and not the irrational premise( red column).

It is divisive and dishonest to use the common fake premise to interpret Vatican Council II and then reject Catholic Tradition( Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, EENS etc).

The SSPX, FSSP, CMRI,ICKSP,MHFM and the religious communities and Catholic organisations all use the irrational premise to interpret Vatican Council II.They also interpret other Magisterial documents with the same error.The same mistake is made by the ecclesiastics at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the present two popes.

So for Pope Francis to be Magisterial  in the Church Documents he issues, he needs to use the rational premise.It would be dishonest to continue to use the irrational option to create an artificial rupture with Tradition.

Traditionis Custode was written with Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise, and so its conclusion was non traditional.

Pope Francis needs to interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise, affirm Tradition and permit the Latin and Novus Ordo freely for  those who do the same.

Now he is interpreting Vatican Council II with the irrational premise, he rejects Tradition as expected.

The he only allows Holy Mass to be offered by those who make the same objective and factual error as himself.

Pope Francis must be asked to issue a correction. -Lionel Andrades

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