Friday, April 1, 2022

Propaganda Fide, Vatican is only giving scholarships/ stipends for students who interpret Vatican Council II with the False and not Rational Premise.Of course with the approval of the bishop and the rector.


Propaganda Fide, Vatican is only giving scholarships/ stipends for students who interpret Vatican Council II with the False and not Rational Premise.Of course with the approval of the bishop and the rector.

Even though I was approved by a bishop I was not allowed to continue to study Philosophy at the University Pontificum Regina Apostolorum, Rome, nor remain at their seminary.

I was also not allowed to remain a seminarian at the Pontifical Beda College, Rome. This is the seminary for late vocations under the bishops of England and Wales.There was no freedom of religion or freedom of opinion on this issue.

Propaganda Fide could give non Christians scholarships to study at pontifical universities in Rome if they interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise and so contradict the Syllabus of Errors, the Athanasius Creed etc. The Catholic faith is then no more ‘sensitive and ‘controversial’ when the False Premise is used. It is seen as being ‘open’.  -Lionel Andrades

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