Saturday, May 14, 2022

Bishop Robert Barron continues to have discussions with Vatican Council II interpreted with the False and not Rational Premise. The same mistake was made by Hans Urs Balthazar

Bishop Robert Barron continues to have discussions with Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise creating a False Rupture with Catholic Tradition, including the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the Nicene Creed and the Athanasius Creed.  Just like Hans Urs Balthasazar he does not interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise.This is deceptive. 
He contradicts the Council interpreted rationally.He also conradicts the Creeds and Catechisms interpreted rationally.

 Before Ben Shapiro he denied Vatican Council II (rational) which says all need faith and baptism for salvation ( to avoid Hell ), while LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc are not objective exceptions for AG 7 and EENS, in the present times. But for him Lumen Gentium was was an exception for Tradtion ( Syllabus of Errors etc). This is irrational. It was only possible for him, with the confusion over what is invisible as being visible.Unknown people were projected as known and visible exaples of known salvation outside the Catholic Church. So the dogma EENS etc was obsolete.This is also the liberal theology of Pope Benedict. -Lionel Andrades

MAY 5, 2022

If Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise then the Council becomes Traditional and he supports Tradition and the Catholic Church becomes Traditional

 If Pope Francis pinterprets Vc2 with the Rational Premise then the Council becomes Traditional and he supports Tradition, and the Church becomes Traditional.- Lionel Andrades 



Lionel Andrades

Catholic lay man in Rome. Writer on the discovery of the two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is rational and the other is irrational, one is interpreted with the false premise and the other without it. One is Magisterial and the other, the common one, is non Magisterial.How can the Holy Spirit make an objective mistake ? So it is human error and not the Magisterium.

 Vatican Council II is dogmatic and not only pastoral.

It is the same for the Creeds and Catechisms. There can be two interpretations.Catholics must choose the rational option.

Why should Catholics choose an irrational version which is heretical, nontraditional and schismatic, when a rational option is there which is traditional?

It is unethical when the popes, cardinals and bishops choose the Irrational Premise to interpret Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents.

Blog: Eucharist and Mission (eucharistandmission)


Twitter : @LionelAndrades1


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