Sunday, May 8, 2022

Vatican Secretary and Undersecretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise creating division with the ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass, the Greek Byzantine Mass and the Roman Missal (1580).


By Courtney Mares

Vatican City, May 7, 2022  Catholic News Agency

Pope Francis said Saturday that the liturgy should not be “a battleground” for “outdated issues.” ( By outdated issues he meant Traditon which was rejected by Vatican Council II interpreted with an Irrational Premise which creates an artificial break with Tradition ( EENS etc ).

“I emphasize again that the liturgical life, and the study of it, should lead to greater Church unity, not division. When the liturgical life is a bit like a banner of division, there is the stench of the devil in there, the deceiver,” Pope Francis said at the Vatican on April 7.( He meant there should be unity based upon the present liberalism created with the False Premise used in the interpretation of the Council )

“It’s not possible to worship God while making the liturgy a battleground for issues that are not essential, indeed, outdated issues, and to take sides starting with the liturgy, with ideologies that divide the Church.” ( He means the past Magisterium is now ideology which is contradicted with Vatican Council II interpreted with the common False Premise )

Speaking at an audience with the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in the apostolic palace, the pope said that he believes that “every reform creates resistance.”

Pope Francis recalled reforms made when he was a child by Pope Pius XII, particularly when Pius XII reduced the fasting requirement before receiving holy Communion and reintroduced the Easter Vigil.

“All of these things scandalized closed-minded people. It happens also today,” he said.

“Indeed, such closed-minded people use liturgical frameworks to defend their views. Using the liturgy: this is the drama we are experiencing in ecclesial groups that are distancing themselves from the Church, questioning the Council, the authority of the bishops ... in order to preserve tradition. And the liturgy is used for that.”.. (

The secretary and undersecretary of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship were both formed by the institute, which was established in 1961 by Pope John XXIII as part of the Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo. ( They both interpret Vatican Council II  with the False Premise creating division with the ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass, the Greek Byzantine Mass and the Roman Missal (1580). )

Andrea Grillo, one of the most prominent theology professors at the Sant'Anselmo, has been a vigorous defender of Traditionis custodes, the motu proprio issued by Pope Francis in 2021 which restricted Masses celebrated in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite. (He will not interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise since then there will no more be division in the Catholic Church at every Mass and rite.). -Lionel Andrades

Pope Francis refers to Vatican Council II interpreted with a False Premise, for ecclesial unity and liberalism

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