Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Gerogia Melloni must take Italy to Jesus and the Catholic Church with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally and not irrationally

Georgia Melloni says the conservatives will save Italy and resolve its problems but for this she has to go to Jesus  and the Catholic Church with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.Then she can proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all Italian politics instead of the present Satanic secularism. She could be begin by inviting Pope Francis  to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and not irrationally, as he does presently, to please the political Left.

 The political conservatives in Italy cannot separate themselves from the Catholic Church which interprets Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise. They cannot separate themselves from extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the old theology. The cardinals and bishops in Italy must interpret Vatican Council II rationally and ask the people to do the same.

It is Jesus Christ who must be at the center of the political party and also the Church. This is Jesus as he was known to the Church over the centuries. This historical Jesus, in the doctrines and theology of the Catholic Church is in harmony with Vatican Council II (Rational). 

Georgia Melloni must realize that Vatican Council II is a political issue and that Pope Francis and Pope Benedict are interpreting the Council irrationally to please the political Left. With the False and not Rational Premise, Vatican Council II emerges as a break with Catholic Tradition and the conservative interpretation of the Church Fathers.

Pope Francis is separating Jesus from Italian politics when he interprets Vatican Council II with the False and not Rational Premise. Fratelli Italia must correct this political error in the Catholic Church in Italy,

The conservatives cannot have a revival in Italy by separating religion from the politics of the state.This is being done by Pope Francis. He does this when he with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally, with a Fake Premise. 

Georgia Melloni must interpret Vatican Council II rationally and Italy will return to the historical Catholic Church of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Catherine of Siena.

She could appeal to the Archbishop of Palermo, for example, and ask him to interpret Vatican Council II rationally. He participated in a Leftist prayer vigil supporting homosexuality in Italy recently.The Archbishop is aligning with the politics of the Left.

Melloni and Fratelli Italia could affirm Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Veritatis Splendor and his Notification issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican on Fr. Jacques Dupuis sj ( 2001).

Georgia Melloni must take a stand  for Jesus 

Christ and the Catholic Church by interpreting

 Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise

 to provide a continuity with the Catholic

Church of St. Francis of Assisi , St.

Bonaventure and St. Pio of Pietrelcina.

She must not allow Italy to be separated from its Catholic roots.  -Lionel Andrades

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