Sunday, May 8, 2022

Pope Francis refers to Vatican Council II interpreted with a False Premise, for ecclesial unity and liberalism

Pope: May the study of the liturgy lead to greater ecclesial unity

Pope Francis addresses members of the Pontifical Liturgical 

Institute of Sant'Anselmo and stresses the importance of the

 study of the liturgy leading to greater ecclesial unity.

By Francesca Merlo

Addressing members of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Sant'Anselmo in the Vatican on Saturday, Pope Francis noted that their meeting, celebrating 60 years since the institution’s foundation, “came about as a response to the growing need of the People of God to live and participate more intensely in the liturgical life of the Church”. He noted that their institution's dedication to the study of the liturgy is well recognised and that experts that were trained in their classrooms promote the liturgical life of many dioceses in very different cultural contexts...

Active participation in liturgical life

Speaking, firstly, of the formation to live and promote active participation in liturgical life, Pope Francis noted that it is an aspect that should encourage the members of the institution to “foster, as the Council wished, this fundamental dimension of Christian life”. (Pope Francis is referring to Vatican

Council II interpreted with the False 

and not Rational Premise.) 

He explained that here, the key is “to educate people to enter into the spirit of the liturgy” and that in order to do this “it is necessary to be imbued with this spirit….to feel its mystery, with an ever-new wonder”. 

(He means a new spirit, a

liberal spirit that comes from Vatican 

Council II interpreted with the False 

Premise which he has officially approved 

in Traditonis Custode ) 

The liturgy is not something you possess, continued the Pope, but rather, it is learned and celebrated, through active participation “to the extent that one enters into its spirit”. It is neither a question of rites, but rather the mystery of Christ, who once and for all revealed and fulfilled the sacred, the sacrifice and the priesthood: Worship in spirit and in truth. “Only in this way can participation translate into a greater sense of the Church, 

( He means a sense of the Church according  to the New Theology created with the False Premise and not the Church according to Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational Premise which would not contradict infallible teachings of the Creeds 

interpreted rationally ) 

which makes us live evangelically in every time and in every circumstance”, said the Pope.

Growing in ecclesial communion

Speaking then of the second point, the institution's dedication to liturgical study on the part of both professors and students,

 “also makes you grow in ecclesial communion”, 

(Like Pope Benedict he is suggesting that ecclesial communion depends upon accepting and following Vatican Council II with theIrrational Premise which creates a break with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which both popes reject ) noted the Pope. He explained that giving glory to God in the liturgy finds its counterpart “in love of neighbour, in the commitment to live as brothers and sisters in everyday situations, in the community in which we find ourselves, with its merits and limitations”. 

 It is the path to true sanctification, he added. Therefore, the formation of the People of God is a fundamental task for living a fully ecclesial liturgical life ( which is a break with the past Magisterium, the result of using the False Premise to interpret the Council and other Magisterial Documents ).

Each celebration ends with mission

The Pope then turned to the third and final aspect, that every liturgical celebration always ends with mission. “What we live and celebrate leads us to go out to meet others, to meet the world around us, to meet the joys and needs of so many who perhaps live without knowing the gift of God”, said the Pope. Genuine liturgical life, especially the Eucharist, always impels us to charity, “which is above all openness and attention to others”, he added, stressing that this dimension, then, “opens us to dialogue, to encounter, to the ecumenical spirit, to welcome”.( This has not be done with Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational Premise, which has no practical exceptions for the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX )

Faith in the mystery

Pope Francis then reiterated the importance of liturgical life and the study of it leading to “greater ecclesial unity”, stressing that “the liturgy must be studied while remaining faithful to this mystery”...( He means interpret the Councils,Creeds and Catechism 

to create a false and calculated break with

the past exclusive ecclesiology and support

 the common liberalism in the Church ). -Lionel Andrades

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