Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Wojtyla-Ratzinger interpretation of Vatican Council II was made with the False and not Rational Premise.


Bishop Felipe de Jesus Estevez in the diocese of St. Augustine, Miami, Florida is to retire due to age. However he continues to interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise which is politically correct with the Vatican, the Masons and the rest of the Left.

So the New Evangelisation and New Catechesis in the diocese, is based upon not the Rational Premise, which is in harmony with the ecclesiology of the Roman Missal (1580).This was originally a missionary diocese over the century and so the missionaries were using the Rational Premise in that area.

But it was only after Vatican Council II that theology and doctrine was changed with the common and political False Premise.

So today the evangelization approved by the Vatican is Christocentric, which supports a New Ecumenism but it is not Ecclesiocentric, as it was for the missionaries in Florida, USA a century back.

The New Theology is based upon confusing what is invisible (LG 8, LG 14, LG 16) etc in the present times as being objective examples of salvation outside the Church.What is invisible is seen as being visible and a new theology is brought into the Church.

This was how Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict interpreted Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus and were supported by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Plinio Correa de Oliveira, Michael Davies, Joseph Clifford Fenton, Cardinal Ottaviani and so many others.

The Wojtyla-Ratzinger interpretation of Vatican Council II was made with the False and not Rational Premise. With the Rational Premise the Council is ecclesiocentric and not a break with Tradition. But this interpretation would not be politically correct with the Left.

Now the present bishop at St. Augustine wants the Latin Mass to be available only where the priests and congregation do not interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise. For with the Ratonal Premise there  would not be a break with the old ecclesiology of the Roman Missal.It of course does not have the False Premise.With the Rational Premise there is the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.

No one is objecting – except for the reports on this blog.

Peter Kwasniewski is churning out books in which he interprets Vatican Council II like the bishop in the diocese of St Augustine. So with the Irrational Premise he does not have to affirm the dogma EENS and the Athanasius Creed, and like Pope Francis and the liberals, is politically correct with the Left.Amazon is ready to publish such books on the liturgy etc.

He kept silent when the bishop of Dijon, France interpreted Vatican Council II with the False Premise and so rejected the Syllabus of Errors.It was the same with the web blog Rorate Caeili.They are all looking after their own interests.

It is the same with the Society of St. Pius X. They ask if the Mass in the vernacular is valid while they re-interpret the Nicene Creed with a False Premise, they reject the Athanasius Creed with the same False Premise, they reject the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS while they wrongly project the baptism of desire as being a practical exception. All this is possible only with the False Premise. These are mortal sins of faith at every Mass or liturgy.This is official and public innovation with the Creeds.

It is the same with Fr. John Zuhlsdorf who accepts Vatican Council II as having exceptions for EENS.This is the liberal political interpretation of Massimo Faggioli and Prof. Melloni of the Bologna School (FSCIRE). 

This is also the politically correct theological position of Taylor Marshall, who uses the False Premise to affirm Vatican Council II, like the liberals.

Edward Pentin and Raymond Arroyo are taking care of their employment at EWTN and so will not ask that Vatican Council II be interpreted with the Rational Premise at the Novus Ordo Mass too. 

The issue at St. Augustine is not the Latin Mass it is Vatican Council II interpreted with the False and not Rational Premise, by the bishop and Curia, at every Mass in the 61 parishes.-Lionel Andrades


MAY 21, 2022

The laity and priests in the Diocese of St. Augustine, USA must appeal to the bishop Felipe de Jesus Estevez to also accept Vatican Council II and interpret it with the Rational and not False Premise, at every liturgy : this will form the lex orandi and lex credendi of the people

The 456th Anniversary of St Augustine

The 456th Anniversary of St Augustine

Raphael Cosme
Historic City News photojournalist

A large crowd witnessed the 456th anniversary of the founding of St Augustine during the annual celebration.  Guests were welcomed by a sunny day and a pleasant breeze from the bay.

Upon the arrival of his vessel, Spanish conqueror Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles knelt to kiss the cross that Father Francisco de Mendoza Grajales held as a symbol of the arrival of Christianity in the New World.

“This is a very special celebration of our nation, a great tradition every year,” said Bishop Felipe de Jesus Estevez of the Diocese of St Augustine.  “No other city in the nation celebrates its roots like St Augustine. You are responsible for keeping them alive with this historical recreation of our Foundation.  Celebrating our roots is important for the Faith just as it is important for the City of San Agustín and our children.”

Menendez was accompanied on the grounds of the Mission of Nombre de Dios by the reenactment groups produced by Historic Florida Militia, including a family that represented the Indians of Seloy.  They celebrated the traditional mass of the founding of St Augustine at a rustic altar delivering a message about the importance of keeping these traditions latent in the community 

After mass, Menéndez and his outpost went in procession to the Fountain of Youth Archeological Park where they celebrated the first Thanksgiving dinner.  Traditional dishes of the time were shared with the Timucuan Indians.

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