Wednesday, May 11, 2022

There is no liturgy which is 'staid' when you have the Faith and the issue is not denying Vatican Council II at any liturgy – but interpreting Vatican Council II rationally and not irrationally

There is no liturgy which is 'staid' when you have the Faith and the issue is not denying Vatican Council II at any liturgy – but interpreting Vatican Council II rationally and not irrationally.We must stop interpreting Vatican Council II, irrationally,  like Pope Francis and Michael Sean Winters at the National Catholic Reporter.

At the Novus Ordo Mass where everyone accepts Vatican Council II the Council should be interpreted rationally. Then the theology of the Church will be the same as that of the 16th century. The Novus Ordo Mass will have the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Tridentine Latin Mass with the Roman Missal of 1580. The Mass in English or Italian, for the priest and congregation, will be an opportunity to affirm the past teaching, on their being exclusive salvation, in only the Catholic Church. This will show after Holy Mass when the Faith is proclaimed in mission, that there is the old ecumenism, old inter religious dialogue, based upon the past exclusivist ecclesiology and there is traditional mission. With the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) intact, without practical exceptions,  religious liberty and collegiality will no more be an issue. Since the old theology will still be there which says it is important to be a Catholic to avoid Hell. So after Holy Mass in all rites and liturgies, the Social Reign of Christ the King in all political legislation can be proclaimed.This would mission. Since the priority will be saving souls from going to Hell through Catholic faith and the baptism of water. This is the teaching of Vatican Council II when it is interpreted rationally. Ad Gentes 7 supports EENS and LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, being only hypothetical, always, are not practical exceptions for EENS or AG 7.

So Vatican Council II interpreted rationally  is no more an issue for the traditionalists and conservative Catholics. They can affirm the Council. It is Pope Francis and the liberals who are in a crisis and so they held their meeting in Chicago recently. They cannot cite the Council when it is interpreted with the Rational Premise. The break with Tradition was only possible with the Fake Premise.Now there is no more ideology in the name of Vatican Council II.

-Lionel Andrades

Pope Francis highlights danger of staid liturgies that 'deny Vatican Council II'


...Much of the attention has focused on his remarks about liturgical formalism. "I would like to underline the danger, the temptation of liturgical formalism: going after forms, formalities rather than reality, as we see today in those movements that try to go backwards and deny Vatican Council II itself," the pope said. "In this way, the celebration is recitation, it is something without life, without joy." (Emphasis in original.)

Lionel: The pope here is referring to Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise. It is this irrational interpretation of the Council which is being used to justify liberalism in the Catholic Church.

The key phrase there is "deny Vatican Council II." We have all attended post-conciliar liturgies that lack joy. But it is when the liturgy becomes a weapon in the culture wars, when doubts are raised about Vatican II and its legitimacy, when liturgy becomes an ideological expression rather than an ecclesial one, that is where the Holy Spirit is shut out and the in-breaking of the divine mystery is nullified.

Lionel : Every good Catholic must reject Vatican Council II interpreted with a False Premise and accept Vatican Council II interpreted with a Rational Premise. The latter has a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition.


Francis did not mince words here: "When liturgical life becomes something of a banner of division, there is the odor of the devil, the deceiver, in there."

Lionel: Division is caused by the False Premise. It produces heresy  with new doctrines. It produces schism with the past Magisterium. It changes the interpretation of the First Commandment and presents new versions of the Creeds . This cannot come from the Holy Spirit.


His comments about previous changes, such as when Pius XII reintroduced the Easter Vigil, were apt. The naysayers were upset by Pius' action but the fact is the restoration of the great vigil helped prompt the Second Vatican Council to focus on the role of the baptized in new and important ways. Lex orandi, lex credendi: The law of prayer is the law of belief.

Relatedly, the pope said this about ecclesial unity:...

Lionel : There cannot be ecclesial unity based upon a False Premise.This is division with the past Magisterium, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Lionel Andrades

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