Sunday, June 5, 2022

Bishop Dominic Rey must only allow faculty at the seminary to teach who interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and not the common False Premise, which is unethical


JUNE 3, 2022

Bishop Dominic Rey must only allow faculty at the seminary to teach who interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and not the common False Premise, which is unethical


Bishop Dominic Rey must only allow faculty at the seminary, who interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and not the common False Premise, which is unethical.The issue is still Vatican Council II (Rational) in the diocese of Frejuf Toulon, France.

The bishop must know that Vatican Council II, rational, would support Marine Le Pen and the center right political parties in France.Vatican Council II, interpreted with the False Premise, would be acceptable for the Left.

The bishops and the priests in France today, who offer Holy Mass, in Latin or French, are telling Rome that they accept Vatican Council II, irrational. They accept the  Council interpreted with a False Premise.

They do not say that they accept Vatican Council II, rational, created with the Rational Premise and which is in harmony with the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors and the dogma EENS.

So the faculty at the seminary and the future priests cannot ask Pope Francis and the Vatican to affirm the Council, interpreted with the Rational Premise and that this would be the honest and Catholic thing to do.

The members of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship are all interpreting the Creeds with a False Premise and this creates mortal sins of faith. It is a denial of the Catholic faith. There is no unity on doctrine. It is the Vatican Congregation which is supporting heresy and schism, which comes automatically with the False Premise.

So the priests in the diocese of Frejuf Touon, would be in mortal sins of faith if they interpreted Vatican Council II, the Creeds and EENS with the False Premise, and offered Holy Mass. This is a scandal which is supported by the Vatican congregations for political reasons.

Pope Francis, Cardinal Blaise Cupich and Cardinal Arthur Roche offer Holy Mass in public mortal sin when they interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise, instead of the rational option.They expect all Catholics to do the same.

So it is Bishop Rey who must affirm the 

Council interpreted with the Rational Premise

 and ask all in the diocese to do likewise.

He can then also ask that all future priests; all future ordinations, only affirm the Council

interpreted with the Rational Premise, and so

support the past exclusivist ecclesiology and 

the theology of the Roman Missal (1580).-B ishBishop 

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