Thursday, June 2, 2022

So when Vatican Council II is interpreted with the False Premise there is a break with Tradition. It means that the traditionalists are opposed to Tradition for political reasons

 The traditionalists must know that their strength is Vatican Council II interpreted rationally and not like the Lefebvrists or the popes,who are the liberals. Once they affirm the Council, rational, then Pope Francis and the liberals are on the defensive.

Bishop Dominique Rey has postponed all planned  diaconal and priestly ordinations planned for June and in his defense he should say that he affirms Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents with the Rational Premise. So there is no break with the past Magisterium and neither is he rejecting Vatican Council II.

He could then ask Pope Francis and the new members of the Congregation for Divine Worship to do the same.

He could refuse to accept Vatican Council II only be interpreted with the False Premise, by the popes and cardinals. This is irrational and unethical. He could demand that Vatican Council II only be interpreted with the Rational Premise. Their is a moral obligation that Pope Francis only choose the Rational Premise.

Presently the traditionalists are critical of Vatican Council II but tell Pope Francis that they accept Vatican Council II.

They do not make the Irrational and Rational distinction.So they allow Pope Francis to believe that they accept Vatican Council II, irrational, which is a rupture with the past Magisterium.It is a break with Tradition. So when Vatican Council II is interpreted with the False Premise there is a break with Tradition. It means that the traditionalists are opposed to Tradition for political reasons.-Lionel Andrades

 JUNE 2, 2022

Bishop Dominique Rey has postponed all planned diaconal and priestly ordinations planned for June 2002 as requested by the Vatican

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