Wednesday, June 22, 2022

They did not tell him



Lionel Andrades


JUNE 17, 2022

Sister Maria Philomena MICM, Director, St. Augustine Institute of Wisdom interprets Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise but Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was not informed about this possibility, by Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

 Sister Maria Philomena MICM, Director, St. Augustine Institute of Wisdom interprets Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise but Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was not informed about this possibility, by Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

He was not informed. No one told him about it. The SSPX bishops have also not spoken about it over the last 50-plus years.

They did not tell him that he could interpret Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise and there would be a continuity with Tradition.

Instead they excommunicated him. He would not accept Vatican Council II interpreted with a False Premise since there was an obvious break with Tradition. It would be heretical and schismatic. Yet Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger accepted this irrational interpretation of the Council.

Pope Francis is now imposing this same irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, upon the whole Church, through Traditionis Custode.

Until today the SSPX bishops are not told that they can affirm Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise and so there will be continuity with the theology of the pre-1962 missal.-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 17, 2022

Repost : Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger did not tell Archbishop Lefebre the truth : issues for the Italian Parliament

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Current Third Order Officers

The following current officers of the Third Order, M.I.C.M., may be contacted directly.

  • Prefect: Brother John Marie Vianney, M.I.C.M., Tert. — 603-239-4800
  • Membership Director: Brother Dismas Mary, M.I.C.M., Tert. — — 714-398-4893
  • Local Director: Brother Joseph Mary, M.I.C.M., Tert. — 603-239-6932

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