Tuesday, June 28, 2022

With Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational Premise the Church goes back to the old theology upon which the old faith and morals was based. So homosexuality is still a mortal sin and Vatican Council II (irrational) cannot be cited to contradict it


This report is a compilation  of Tweets on Twitter over the last 24 hours or more.

With Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational Premise the Church goes back to the old theology upon which the old faith and morals was based. So homosexuality is still a mortal sin and Vatican Council II (irrational) cannot be cited to contradict it.

At the alleged ‘restorationist event’ Vatican Council II must be accepted but the Council must only be interpreted with a Rational Premise. This is obligatory. Since the common False Premise used to create a false break with Tradition is unethical. It is dishonest.

It is being called 'a restorationist event' but there can only be a Restoration when cardinals Sarah and Pell interpret all Magisterial Documents with the pre-1949 Rational Premise. This takes the Catholic Church back to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the theology of the Roman Missal.

Don Alcuin’s community has been suppressed because they are going back to Tradition and not accepting Vatican Council II (Irrational) like Pope Francis. Cardinals Sarah and Pell must announce that they interpret Vatican Council II only with the Rational Premise at every liturgy.

Vatican Council II indicates that all need faith and the baptism of water for salvation (Ad Gentes 7).All. This includes all non Catholics in the U.K.This is the teaching of Vatican Council II(Rational) and the Catholic Church today.

If Cardinal Vincent Nicols interpreted Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise he would be affirming Feeneyite EENS and the theology of the pre-1962 Missal. This would be the end of 'cash for the cardinal' from the non-restorationist Left.

It is obligatory for Pope Francis to interpret Vatican Council II with only the Rational Premise. The common Irrational Premise which Archbishop Athur Roche, Massimo Faggioli and Austen Invereigh use, is dishonest. They are going along with it even though they know it is unethical.

It is obligatory for Pope Francis to tell the pastoral visitors in Bishop Dominique Rey’s diocese, Fritjof Toulon, France, to only interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise in harmony with the Roman Missal. The False Premise is dishonest.

If Cardinal Erdo would interpret Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise he would unite theology and doctrine in the Catholic Church, there would be ecclesial unity, today. There would also be unity with the past Magisterium.

Go and proclaim that there is salvation in only the Catholic Church says Vatican Council II (Rational).Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and the baptism of water for salvation. AG 7 is mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church n.846 under the title Outside the Church there is no salvation.

The Neo Catechumenal Way parish catechesis could be based upon the Roman Missal of the Traditional Latin Mass, only when they interpret Vatican Council II rationally. The liberalism ends.

Like Pope Francis, sedevacantist Bishop Mark Pivarunas does not interpret Vatican Council II rationally and has changed the Athanasius Creed, the Nicene Creed, EENS etc. Archbishops Marcel Lefebvre and Pierre Thuc made the same mistake.

Bishop Donald Sanborn, Fr. Anthony Cekada and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre did not know that Vatican Council II interpreted with a Rational Premise would make the Council traditional. The popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, did not tell them.

Like Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Neo Catechumenal Way of Kiko Arguello, was not told the truth about Vatican Council II interpreted with a Rational Premise. It supports Tradition.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was not told that he could interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and the Council would affirm Tradition; Feeneyite EENS and the Roman Missal.

Archbishop Lefebvre was not told by Pope John Paul II that if he would interpret the Council with the Rational Premise the Council would affirm Feeneyite EENS.

Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the implicit-explicit, invisible-visible confusion and the Council will be in harmony with Tradition; with Feeneyite EENS and the Roman Missal.

Dr.Taylor Marshall must interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and then the Council will be in harmony with Tradition; with Feeneyite EENS and the pre-1962 Missal.

Cardinal Marx and Bishop Batzing must interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise otherwise they will be changing the understanding of the Creeds in Germany.

Pope Francis must tell Cardinal Marx that it is obligatory to interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and so the Council will be in harmony with Feeneyite EENS and the pre-1962 Roman Missal.

The religious community Verbe de Vie in Brussels must ask the bishop to allow them to interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise in harmony with Tradition and the Roman Missal. His interpretation of the Council with the False Premise is unethical and not Catholic.

The popes did not tell Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Kiko Arguello that Vatican Council II could be interpreted rationally and the conclusion would be traditional.

Pope Francis did not tell the Neo Catechumenal Way, to use the Rational Premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II, in their catechesis and evangelization.

It is obligatory for the Neo Catechumenal Way to only interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise in harmony with the Roman Missal and Feeneyite EENS.

Pope Francis does not ask Kiko Arguello and the Neo Catechumenal Way to only interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise in harmony with the past ecclesiology and the Roman Missal.

Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise is in harmony with the Roman Missal.The  popes did not tell this to Archbishop Lefebvre. There is no denial from Andrea Tornelli or Fr. Anthony Spadero sj.

It is obligatory for Pope Francis and Pope Benedict to interpret Vatican Council II with a Rational Premise and so be in harmony with the old ecclesiology and the Roman Missal of the Traditional Latin Mass.

The bishops are not in unity with the Holy Spirit and the past Magisterium when they interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.

It is obligatory for Pope Francis and Pope Benedict to interpret Vatican Council II rationally. It would be unethical for them to continue to use the False Premise.

Pope Francis wants the Neo Catechumenal Way to interpret Vatican Council II without the Rational Premise. With the False Premise there is a false rupture with the old theology upon which depends the old faith and morals. There is also a rupture with the Roman Missal.

The Latin laity in Dijone, France must object to the ordination of a new priest who does not accept Vatican Council II interpreted with only the Rational Premise. So with the False Premise he is rejecting the old theology of the Roman Missal.

The cardinals and bishops have to interpret Vatican Council II with only the Rational Premise. This is the only ethical option. So it is obligatory. With the Rational Premise we return to the old theology and so the old faith and morals which say that  homosexuality is a mortal sin.

Vatican Council II is Rational only. There is no denial from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. They agree with me. There is no denial from Andrea Tornelli and Fr. Anthony Spadero sj. Archbishop Lefebvre was not informed about the Rational Premise. There is no denial from Spadero and Tornelli.

The popes from Pius XII did not interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise. Pope John Paul II did not inform Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre about this option. Instead they excommunicated him.

It is obligatory for a pope to accept Vatican Council II. It must be the same for all the dioceses in France.

The faculty of the seminary and the Apostolic Visitors in the diocese of Bishop Dominque Rey in France, must only interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise. This is obligatory. It is also obligatory for the Benedictine and other religious communities in Frejuf Toulon, to do the same. Bishop Dominique Rey must inform the Vatican that Vatican Council II is accepted in the diocese but it is only being interpreted with a Rational Premise, in harmony with Feeneyite EENS and the old exclusivist theology of the Roman Missal.

The faulty for the seminary in the diocese of Fritjof Toulon and the Apostolic Visitors must only interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise. This is obligatory. The use of the Fake Premise is dishonest.

Pope Francis can interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise and then invite the sedevacantist CMRI community, which has hundreds of priests and nuns, back into the Church.  -Lionel Andrades

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