Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Griff Ruby is writing a book in which he will interpret Vatican Council II with the Irrational and not Rational Premise just like the SSPX and the Trad bishops


Griff Ruby is writing a book in which he will interpret Vatican Council II with the Irrational and not Rational Premise just like the SSPX and the Trad bishops.

He interprets the baptism of desire etc with the Irrational and not Rational Premise and so there is the expected break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors.

But he also interprets Vatican Council II ( Lumen Gentium) with this irrationality. Lumen Gentium 8 refers to the true Church which subsists outside its visible boundaries is really a reference to a hypothetical case. We cannot meet or see someone saved outside the Church where the the Church subsists.

Similarly we do not know any one saved outside the visible Catholic Church, in invincible ignorance ( Lumen Gentium 16) or the baptism of desire ( Lumen Gentium 14). So LG 8 and LG 16 can only be hypothetical cases in 2022. They are not objective exceptions for Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

So in his next book Griff Ruby needs to interpret Vatican Council II and the baptism of desire etc with the Rational Premise ( invisible cases are invisible only).It will then be ethical and traditional. It can also bring unity in theology and doctrine in the mainline Novus Ordo Church and the Traditionalist bishops.-Lionel Andrades

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