Sunday, August 21, 2022

When Pope Francis justifies innovation in faith and morals in the name of Vatican Council II ( Irrational) none of the cardinals or bishops tell the pope to interpret the Council rationally with the Rational Premise and there can be no development of doctrine or heresy and schism.


A Vatican II (Irrational)Moment: The Sea Float Mass

A Vatican II (Irrational) Moment - True Liturgical Movement: Pontifical Bike Mass in Palermo, Italy


There is a Vatican Council II (Rational) and Vatican Council II (Irrational). With Vatican Council II (Rational) the Lefebvrists would have to affirm Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus and be persecuted. 

Now with Vatican Council II (Irrational) they have the same New Theology as the liberals and the Left. They attend the Latin Mass with the New Ecclesiology, New Ecumenism etc. They promote it at the Latin Mass in Rome. Otherwise the Rome Vicariate would not give them permission to offer Holy Mass in Latin. 

When Pope Francis justifies innovation in faith and morals in the name of Vatican Council II ( Irrational) none of the cardinals or bishops tell the pope to interpret the Council rationally with the Rational Premise and there can be no development of doctrine or heresy and schism. -Lionel Andrades

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