Wednesday, September 7, 2022

If Archbishop Augustine di Noia and Fr. Georges de Laire did not use Cushingism to interpret Vatican Council II, the Decree of Prohibitions, would apply to them


In North Hampshire,USA, Fr. Georges de Laire, Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Manchester, USA interprets Vatican Council II with the irrational Red chart and has placed sanctions against the St. Benedict Center in Richmond, NH for using the rational Blue chart. This is also dishonesty of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Vatican.

All the religious communities in NH must be free to choose the Blue chart and avoid the Red chart in interpreting Vatican Council II etc.

Fr.Georges de Laire refused CMTV an interview. Now is the time for him to affirm the Blue chart before the media.

Damien Fischer writing for the New Hampshire News and the New Hampshire Union Leader has said that bishop Libasci has advised Catholics not to visit the St. Benedict Center in NH. But the bishop and the Curia choose the Red and not Blue chart and are misleading everyone. All lay people and the religious communities have to do the same.

Fischer says that the CDF defends Catholic teachings from heresy. But the CDF uses the Red chart which is heretical. The SBC choose the Blue and avoids the schismatic Red chart.

Fr.Georges de Laire still will not tell CMTV, CNA, Catholic Herald U.K and the Union Leader New Hampshire that he interprets Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise to reject Feeneyite EENS. This of course is unethical and not Catholic.

Fischer does not say that the CDF is using the Red chart, they choose Cushingism. This is heretical and schism with the past Magisterium.The SBC avoids this error.

Fischer in his report calls the SBC a ‘heretical religious group’ who ‘cannot call themselves Catholic’. But the SBC is orthodox. They are not liberals who reject Tradition and they are not traditionalists who reject Vatican Council II.

Fischer writing in the Union Leader of New Hampshire calls the SBC in NH ‘a sect’. But the SBC accept the Catechism of the Catholic Church (rational). Pope Francis is their pope.

Also Mark Hayward writing in the New Hampshire Union Leader calls the SBC ‘a sect’. But the SBC affirm Vatican Council II (rational) and deny being a sect.

At the Traditional Latin Mass in New Hampshire and the rest of New England, they use the irrational and heretical Red chart. There is a rupture with the 16th century TLM.

Fr.Georges de Laire’s interpretation of Vatican Council II is with the Red chart. He uses the False Premise, Cushingism. So he avoids Feeneyite EENS with this ruse.

All the priests in general in New Hampshire interpret Vatican Council II with the Red chart. I use the Blue. So EENS is different for us. For me it is extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no exceptions and for them it is extra ecclesiam nulla salus with exceptions.

I interpret Vatican Council II with the Blue chart but at all the Catholic schools in New Hampshire they use the Red chart. Catholic schools in NH must interpret Vatican Council II rationally and honestly and not like Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.

The SBC affirms Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church rationally and ethically and yet a Decree of Prohibitions has been issued against them by the CDF. It is Bishop Peter Libasci, the bishop of Manchester, USA and Fr. Georges de Laire who are unethical and not Catholic.

Meredith Cook Esq., Chancellor of the diocese approves the Fake Premise and Inference used in the interpretation of Vatican Council II by the bishop and the Judicial Vicar. It is approved by the  Vatican. They also approve the Decree against the SBC. They are unethical in public.

The SBC’s Doctrinal Beliefs posted on their website was not posted on the Diocese of Manchester website by the bishop. Archbishop Augustine di Noia, Assistant Secretary of the CDF, used the Red chart, with the Fake Premise. So the diocese of Manchester website interprets CCC 847-848 with the Fake Premise, the Red chart. They then slander the SBC on the diocese website and no correction of their error by the SBC was allowed.

Di Laire, Peter Libasci and Di Noia used a False Premise to interpret the baptism of desire. The SBC in NH avoided it. It is unethical in public and it is approved by the Vatican. They are dishonest in public. Is the false premise legal? They used the False Premise to avoid Feeneyite EENS.

Archbishop Di Noia and Fr. Georges de Laire used a False Premise in NH to interpret Vatican Council II. This is a secular issue. It is public and unethical.

The Decree was issued against Brother Andre Marie MICM since he would not interpret Vatican Council II and EENS (baptism of desire) with the False Premise.

The Decree of Prohibitions was coercion against Brother Andre Marie and the SBC, for not using the False Premise like Di Noia, Libasci and De Laire to interpret Vatican Council II etc.

Yes it was coercion when they issued the Decree of Prohibitions against the SBC for not using a False Premise like them.

If they did not use the Fake Premise to interpret Vatican Council II they would be Feeneyite on EENS.The Decreee of Prohibitions would apply to them.

So it was unethical when they chose a False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II to create an artificial break with Feeneyite EENS.

If Archbishop Augustine di Noia and Fr. Georges de Laire did not use Cushingism to interpret Vatican Council II, the Decree of Prohibitions, I repeat, would apply to them. -Lionel Andrades

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