Saturday, September 17, 2022

“We’re not one of the many religions; we’re the only one true religion which God commanded to all people to believe,there is only one true religion, which is the Catholic Church, founded by God himself, but commanded to all man, to all religions, to believe and accept his son Jesus Christ, the only Savior.”- Bp. Athansius Schneider


He also said the pope's backing of the event could signal that Catholicism is one faith among others, with equal legitimacy. 

"This is not correct because there is only one true religion, which is the Catholic Church, founded by God himself, but commanded to all man, to all religions, to believe and accept his son Jesus Christ, the only Savior," he said. - Kazakhstan bishop says Pope Francis' participation in interfaith summit potentially 'dangerous' (National Catholic Reporter)

“We’re not one of the many religions; we’re the only one true religion which God commanded to all people to believe,” Bishop Schneider stated. “There is no other way to salvation.”

“This is not correct,” he said, “because there is only one true religion, which is the Catholic Church, founded by God himself, but commanded to all man, to all religions, to believe and accept his son Jesus Christ, the only Savior.”-  Bp. Schneider rebukes Pope Francis’ remarks at ecumenical meeting: Catholicism is ‘the one true religion’.(Life Site News)

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