Thursday, October 13, 2022

All the Church Militant TV reports on Vatican Council II this week are leftist propaganda.


All the Church Militant TV reports on Vatican Council II this week are leftist propaganda. They are telling us what we already know.The reports do not say that CMTV can interpret LG 8,14,15 and 16, UR 3,NA 2,GS 22 etc as referring to only hypothetical and theoretical cases in 2022. So they do not refer to objective exceptions for 16 century extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which had no exceptions.

It is the same with LifeSites News,Rorate Caeili, and the liberal media.They tell us that the Council is a break with Tradition.They do not say that the Council is a continuity with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and Feeneyite EENS. This they will not say.The CMTV policy is the same as the SSPX.

For me LG 8,14,15,16,UR 3,NA 2,GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical cases.If there was anyone saved outside the Church, practically, it would only be known to God. We cannot meet or see someone saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance or the baptism of blood- with or without the baptism of water.So for me,there is nothing in the Council-text to contradict the past ecclesiocentrism.The Council is traditional. It affirms the old theology and exclusivist ecclesiology.So religious liberty, ecumenism and inter religious dialogue are not an issue for me.The Council is Feeneyite like the Jesuit missionaries in the Middle Ages.

So I am not pushing the Leftist line with the False Premise, Inference and Non Traditional Conclusion like CMTV.

CMTV like Rorate Caeili, LifeSiteNews, Reuters and Associated Press follow the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,Vatican.They are obligated to interpret the Council irrationally and unethically and teach it to Catholics, for the approval of the Left.

Even the cardinals and bishops are in line on this issue.

The CMTV affirm heresy( Athanasius Creed rejected with exceptions) and schism(EENS of the past Magisterium is contradicted) and conveniently call it Magisterial, as if the Holy Spirit now teaches an objective error which contradicts the pre-1949 Magisterium.Michael Voris and Christine Niles are liberals,on this issue, who change the Nicene Creed and re-interpret the First Commandment , by using the Fake Premise.They approve this at First Communion classes and Adult Catechesis in Detroit.They proclaim this to non Christians.

This week we will get the same propaganda on Vatican Council II which will sit well with the Archbishop of Detroit. All this is fine for the establishment. Robert Fastiggi will approve it at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit and call it Magisterial- when it really is official schism and dissent. As long as CMTV does not interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise, Inference and Conclusion there will be no objection from the Jewish Left( ADL etc).Archbishop Vigneron and the USCCB clap.

To affirm their liberal credentials CMTV posted a report by Jim Russell which projected invisible cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance( 1949 Letter of the Holy Office) as being visible exceptions for Feeneyite EENS.

This is all false.

Catholics must not interpret Vatican Council II like CMTV. It is a mortal sin of faith.That Pope Francis supports it- does not make it correct.- Lionel Andrades

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