Monday, October 10, 2022

Feeneyites do not deny the baptism of desire. Wikipedia has got it wrong


The MHFM opposes the doctrines of baptism of desire and baptism of blood, and affirms that "outside the Catholic Church there is  absolutely no salvation.". The MHFM considers itself to be Feeneyite-Wikpedia


As Feeneyites the Most Holy Family Monastery does not have to deny the doctrines of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I). This is a mistake of Wikipedia.

 Since BOD,BOB and I.I are always physically invisible.They are always hypothetical and speculative only.So they cannot be practical exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Wikipedia has got it wrong.

 The 1949 Letter of the Holy Office(LOHO) was a political document. It projected unknown and invisible cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance as being known  and visible exceptions for Feeneyite EENS. This was irrational. It was also a break with Catholic  Tradition. 

Over the centuries the popes, Councils and saints chose the Rational Premise,Inference and Conclusion to interpret BOD, BOB and I.I.-Lionel Andrades

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